1.5.25: RSH issue with Cygwin/Win2008
Gokula Rangarajan
Mon Jun 1 02:31:00 GMT 2009
I am running windows Server Enterprise 2008, 64 bit. I have installed the latest version of Cygwin in the windows 2008 server. I have a bunch of RHEL5.x servers that needs to controlled from Windows 2008 server using RSH. While I am aware that SSH is more secure than RSH, I have no other options. The benchmark software that we are using will work on rsh only.
The issue is, from the windows server, using Cygwin, when I rsh to a remote RHEL5.3 server, the prompt is empty (as if it has done something or working fine) and unable to connect to remote server.
For example, from the server lg95, when I rsh to lg30, the below are the responses:
root:~# hostname
root:~# rsh lg30
root:~# hostname
root:~# rsh lg30 ls
root:~# hostname
Could you please help? Please see the attached cygoutput. Thank You.
Gokula Rangarajan
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