A question about setup.exe

Paul McFerrin pmcferrin@columbus.rr.com
Thu Dec 24 20:06:00 GMT 2009

Does anyone know where the MTIMES of the installed packages are stored.  
I need to over-ride them all in order to re-install the packages.  I 
could NOT find the http/ftp directory containing the files installed.

So I went through to check "reinstall" on every package (whew) and 
downloaded the complete installation into a local directory.  Fine.

I just need to slightly adjust the MTIME to setup to reinstall the 
packages.  When I did a full-restore, the software used the current time 
as it's MTIME which has no meaning anymore.  If I can't get these issues 
resolved, I'll have to to a full install of 1.7 AND add back/test all of 
my local stuff.

Basically what I have:
    A full installation of 1.7.0-65 with current time as MTIME.
   A full installation of Cygwin 1.7 download into local directory.
   No way to make #1 & #2 to meet!!

Andy Koppe wrote:
> 2009/12/24 Paul McFerrin:
>> I did the upgrade to 1.7.1-1 without any problems.  During the remainder of
>> the day, I accidentally blew away my installation of 1.7.1-1.  I restored my
>> installation from a backup several days old (1.7.0-65).  Now I'm trying to
>> upgrade again.
>> Now the questions I have are:
>> When I run setup again, it downloads/installes everything in under a minute
>> instead of the hour previously.
> It wouldn't need to download the packages again, because they should
> still be stored in setup.exe's local package directory. So it only
> needs to do the install.
>> How can I "force" all of my installed
>> packages obsolete to force a reload?
> If the backup and restore went correctly, you shouldn't need to,
> because the install state of all packages is stored in the cygwin
> directory, in /etc/setup. You can see which packages are going to be
> upgraded by switching to the "Partial" view on setup.exe's package
> selection screen.
> Andy

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