Moving Cygwin

Eric Backus
Thu Apr 30 17:47:00 GMT 2009

Tim Visher writes:

> > On 2009-04-30 12:27Z, Tim Visher wrote:
> >>
> >> I originally installed cygwin in the default `C:\cygwin` directory.
> >> I'd like to move it from there to `C:\`.  Is there any easy way to do
> >> this?
> Maybe the context for my question would help.  I'm attempting to
> follow advice from [Steve Yegge's My .emacs File
> article]( in
> order to get useful cygwin bash interaction from within NT Emacs.  He
> seems to be of the opinion that the gentleman who responded in the
> comments about having the path interpolation code and installing
> cygwin in the default directory was mislead about what you need to get
> it to work.
> Are there A) Practical responses to Yegge's way of using Cygwin and NT
> Emacs? or B) A proven way to do what I'm trying to do without messing
> with cygwin's install directory (I would prefer this as I would like
> to keep cygwin safely secluded).
> Thanks in advance!

I have cygwin under C:/cygwin, and I run NT Emacs.  I'm very happy with this 
setup.  To help get them to work well together, I downloaded cygwin-mount.el 
from <>, and I include 
the following in my .emacs file:

(if (equal system-type 'windows-nt)
      (if (require 'cygwin-mount nil t)
	    (setq cygwin-mount-cygwin-bin-directory "C:/cygwin/bin")
      ;; These don't work because of crlf issues?
      ;;(setq shell-file-name "bash")
      ;;(setenv "SHELL" shell-file-name)
      ;;(setq explicit-shell-file-name shell-file-name)
      (setenv "PATH" (concat "C:\\cygwin\\bin;" (getenv "PATH")))
      (setq exec-path (cons "c:/cygwin/bin" exec-path))))

This setup works quite well for me.  However, I never try to run a shell from 
within emacs, so I don't know if that will work correctly.  I seem to remember 
running into crlf issues (as mentioned in the above comments) that I didn't 
bother trying to track down and fix.

If you're using Emacs 21 or older, you might also try:

(setq archive-zip-use-pkzip nil)	; Even on windows, we use zip/unzip

Not sure if this will matter to you, but at least at one time I found this 
useful.  I think this is no longer necessary with NT Emacs 22.3.

And at one time I found the following useful for getting printing to work:

;; Some of this is specific to Agilent Everett Seaway site
(if (equal system-type 'windows-nt)
      (setq lpr-command "C:/WINDOWS/system32/lpr.exe") ; Defaulted to dump to 
      (setq printer-name "evt0005")		; Defaulted to PRN
      (setq server-name "evt0005")		; Not a system variable
      (setq lpr-switches (list "-S" server-name)) ; Defaulted to ""
      (setq lpr-headers-switches nil)))		; So we can use "pr"
;; This defaulted to 66 lines, didn't fit on page, but may be Everett-specific
(setq lpr-page-header-switches (quote ("-F" "-l59")))

Good luck...

Eric Backus

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