[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: automake-1.5-3

cygwin@cwilson.fastmail.fm cygwin@cwilson.fastmail.fm
Fri Oct 24 03:21:00 GMT 2008

Automake is a tool for automatically generating `Makefile.in' files
compliant with the GNU Coding Standards.

This cygwin package, automake1.5, can be installed without conflict
alongside the existing automake1.10, automake1.9, automake1.8,
automake1.7, automake1.6, and automake1.4 cygwin packages.

This release a packaging update of the automake1.5 package, which
provides the latest (actually, the only) version of the automake system
in the automake-1.5 series, automake-1.5.  This will most likely be the
final automake1.5 update for the cygwin-1.5 distribution; future
development will continue with automake1.5-1.5-10 for cygwin-1.7.

Changes (automake1.5-1.5-2 ---> automake1.5-1.5-3)

* Update packaging to use stock cygport-0.4.0
  rather than custom version of cygport.
* Fix setup.hint
* Ensure /usr/share/aclocal directory is preserved.

Testsuite results:
4 of 324 tests failed
FAIL: pr87.test, lex3.test, dirname.test, subdircond.test

1) pr87.test is not a regression

2) lex3.test is not a regression

3) dirname.test only fails the first time it is run. When run standalone
subsequently, I can't reproduce the failure.

4) only subdircond.test represents a regression from release 1.5-2 (and
it's not really a regreesion. 1.5-2 skipped that test, and all my
subsequent efforts to reproduce the original subdircond failure end with
1.5-3 ALSO skipping the test. I don't know why it ran at all the first time)

So, we really have two test failures, and neither represent a regression
frmo previous releases.

Charles Wilson
automake volunteer maintainer for cygwin


To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


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