FW: Makefile error: target pattern contains no %

Rajagopal, Prasanth Prasanth.Rajagopal@analog.com
Mon Oct 20 13:11:00 GMT 2008

Hi all,
I am new to cygwin / unix. I installed latest cygwin 1.5.25-15
<http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-announce/2008-06/msg00014.html>  by
setup.exe and tried to build another open source project called NBIS
FIngerPrint. The document says that it has been tested for Linux and
Windows with Cygwin.
However, I got an error like target pattern contains no % when I ran the
makefile. By searching, I came to know that a : should be removed, but I
am not sure where exactly to remove, though the line number is given. I
am new to makefile syntax also. 
Any help would be appreciated. Do I need to install another version or
PS: I could later build on a Unix machine successfully later and it gave
exe files, though I need to work on cygwin only. 
Thanks & Regards,

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