Headers not found when gcc4 installed without gcc3

Ken Brown kbrown@cornell.edu
Wed Oct 15 19:48:00 GMT 2008

I've just used gcc-4 to (successfully) build emacs 22.3 under both 
cygwin 1.5 and cygwin 1.7.  In my first attempt for 1.7, I initially had 
gcc4 installed, but none of the regular gcc packages.  The result was 
that the emacs configure script failed to find the X11 headers.  I then 
installed gcc-core, etc., and the build succeeded.

I'm not a programmer, and I have no idea what causes headers to be 
found, but this strikes me as a possible problem with the gcc4 
package(s).  Or is it intended that users of gcc4 should also have gcc 


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