cygwin shell scripting - how to pass values from command line to ssh remote command

Thorsten Kampe
Wed Oct 15 09:48:00 GMT 2008

* Dave Korn (Tue, 14 Oct 2008 23:41:05 +0100)
> Thorsten Kampe wrote on 14 October 2008 21:11:
> > * Z W (Tue, 14 Oct 2008 11:59:07 -0700)
> >> I'm have a shell script, below to run with cygwin in a Windows
> >> box.
> >> 
> >> #!/usr/bin/sh
> >> 
> >> ssh qa@load01 'export MAX_MS=100; export OFFSET_MS=89900; export
> >> THREADS=4; export RAMP=1; export LOOPS=2; echo load01 ; cd
> >> /cygdrive/c/apps/bin ; pwd ; nohup ./  \& ; ps -efW | grep
> >> java ; exit '
> > 
> > That's not a shell script - it's just a single command.
> Uh, it's a shell script *containing* a single ssh command. Note the
> shebang. Also note the mention of the filename "", which is not
> to be confused with the script "" on the remote machine.

Putting a single command in a shell script is useless - because it's a 
single command. You can call it a shell script because it has the 
shebang but I call it as it is: it's just a single command.
> > The multiple export statements are superfluous.
> Surely not, if you want the definitions to be visible in the sub-shell
> that executes ""?

Something like "export MAX_MS=100 OFFSET_MS=89900 [...]" for instance?
> > The "cd" looks superfluous, too.
>   Surely not, unless /cygdrive/c/apps/bin is the qa user's home dir?

That's what a "path" is for, right?

    cd /cygdrive/c/apps/bin; ./ 
is in most cases equivalent to

> >  Also the "pwd". 
>   Surely not, if it's a bit of debugging trace that lets ZW know that the
> directory exists and so the cd command succeeded and there must be something
> else wrong if the script doesn't execute?

If you do "debugging" by cd'ing into a directory and then pwd'ing, then 
you need a tank full of coffee...
> > Also the "exit".
> Ok, I'm with you there :-) But I still think one of us needs more
> coffee...

Guess, it's you...


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