May 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Thu May 1 00:33:00 GMT 2008
Ending: Sat May 31 23:07:00 GMT 2008
Messages: 647
- FW: How to manipulate access control lists (ACL)?
Siegfried Heintze (Aditi)
- How do I try cygwin 1.7?
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- ssh hanging on some connections
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- ssh hanging on some connections
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- postgresql package and error message translations
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- please help
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- please help
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- please help
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- Cygwin = cross platform (one way)?
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- Ksh
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 in Cygwin 1.5.25-11
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 in Cygwin 1.5.25-11
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- Launch a windows application from crontab
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- Why I hate updates
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- Reg Linking .dll file in cygwin
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- Cygwin Cron not running
Larry Hall (Cygwin)
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mercurial-1.0-1 -- Fast, lightweight distributed source control management system
Jari Aalto
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: bzr 1.4-1 -- Python based distributed version control
Jari Aalto
- Your payment is ready
Mr. James Adegoke
- Your payment is ready
Mr. James Adegoke
- Your payment is ready
Mr. James Adegoke
- Your payment is ready
Mr. James Adegoke
- Your payment is ready
Mr. James Adegoke
- Your payment is ready
Mr. James Adegoke
- grep raises signal ERR
David Arnstein
- Problems installing on vista, no /bin in path
Steinar Bang
- Problems installing on vista, no /bin in path
Steinar Bang
- Problems installing on vista, no /bin in path
Steinar Bang
- why "Sorry, your message has been denied due to keywords found in your subject"?
Daniel Barclay
- why "Sorry, your message has been denied due to keywords found in your subject"?
Daniel Barclay
- widely-spaced characters in rxvt
Daniel Barclay
- widely-spaced characters in rxvt
Daniel Barclay
- widely-spaced characters in rxvt
Daniel Barclay
- rxvt in native mode, widely spaced characters [Was: Re: why "Sorry, your message has been denied due to keywords found in your subject"?]
Daniel Barclay
- rxvt in native mode, widely spaced characters [Was: Re: why "Sorry, your message has been denied due to keywords found in your subject"?]
Daniel Barclay
- rxvt in native mode, widely spaced characters [Was: Re: why "Sorry, your message has been denied due to keywords found in your subject"?]
Daniel Barclay
- widely-spaced characters in rxvt
Daniel Barclay
- ssh, rsync hang the PC with Spyware Doctor running
Jim Bell
- rsync immediately hangs when connecting via ssh (still trying to fix, revisited from Aug 07)
Jim Bell
- widely-spaced characters in rxvt
René Berber
- Fwd: Need help / Option -D to start sshd server
René Berber
- gcc 3.4.4-3
René Berber
- Cygwin Postinstall Scripts Failure [Repost without disclaimer]
Eric Berge
- 1.5.25-11: Bash Fails after initial install on Windows 2008 Server
Eric Berge
- 1.5.25-11: Bash Fails after initial install on Windows 2008 Server
Eric Berge
- 1.5.25-11: Bash Fails after initial install on Windows 2008 Server
Eric Berge
- Problems installing on vista, no /bin in path
Eric Berge
- Problems installing on vista, no /bin in path
Eric Berge
- Problems installing on vista, no /bin in path
Eric Berge
- fate/resolution/location of things like "sys/sockio.h"
Phil Betts
- bash.exe: ***fatal error
Eric Blake
- cygport 0.3.9 bug
Eric Blake
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: bash-3.2.39-19
Eric Blake
- git gui can't find /usr/share ??
Eric Blake
- pkill script
Eric Blake
- rm: cannot remove `fil*.txt': No such file or directory
Eric Blake
- rm: cannot remove `fil*.txt': No such file or directory
Eric Blake
- cygwin & autotools - readline not found
Eric Blake
- grep raises signal ERR
Eric Blake
- fork performance
Eric Blake
- Enc: You could tell me what the package has synch.h
Eric Blake
- 1.5.25-11: Bash Fails after initial install on Windows 2008 Server
Eric Blake
- setfacl on Cygwin
Eric Blake
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 in Cygwin 1.5.25-11
Eric Blake
- changing directory
Eric Blake
- Why I hate updates
Eric Blake
- Update breaking things...
Eric Blake
- Broken Update?
Eric Blake
- Current Cygwin version?
Eric Blake
- Current Cygwin version?
Eric Blake
- Why I hate updates
Eric Blake
- Broken Update?
Eric Blake
- OpenGL: Linker errors when trying to compile w/GLUI
André Bleau
- Performance of 1.7
Rob Bosch
- Performance of 1.7
Rob Bosch
- auto complete history
Robert Bram
- auto complete history
Robert Bram
- Script utility for cygwin?
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- Feature request: rm to recycle bin
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- setup-procedure: "find" from homepage gives no category for a package
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libgcrypt-1.4.1-1
Gergely Budai
- File system trouble
Cristiano Di Buduo
- gcc: '%=' invalid? (inline assembly)
Cristiano Di Buduo
- 2.573.2.2 wget not possible creating files with question mark ? in name
Richard Campbell
- 2.573.2.2 wget not possible creating files with question mark ? in name
Richard Campbell
- Script utility for cygwin?
Greg Chicares
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 in Cygwin 1.5.25-11
Greg Chicares
- does Cygwin support wide char?
Greg Chicares
- building perl-5.8.8-4 from source "perl-5.8.8-ext-Win32CORE.tar.bz2 not found"
Greg Chicares
- Urgent !!! Reg Linking sybase DLL in cygwin..
Greg Chicares
- Urgent !!! Reg Linking sybase DLL in cygwin.
Greg Chicares
- MS or cygwin dll debug tools/ was "sys/sockio.h" etc.
Greg Chicares
- building perl-5.8.8-4 from source "perl-5.8.8-ext-Win32CORE.tar.bz2 not found"
David Christensen
- building perl-5.8.8-4 from source 'perl-5.8.8-ext-Win32CORE.tar.bz2 not found'
David Christensen
- Launch a windows application from crontab
- Launch a windows application from crontab
- 1.5.25: Random segfaults in unix tools
Jamie Cole
- 1.5.25: Random segfaults in unix tools
Jamie Cole
- setup.exe: "Can't open (null) for reading: No such file"
Brendon Costa
- Ksh
Dave "No, not that one" Korn
- performance issue when calling function in cygwin1.dll
Stephen David
- Cygwin Mail and Exchange Server
Andrew DeFaria
- Why I hate updates
Andrew DeFaria
- wget and HTTP_PROXY question
DePriest, Jason R.
- How do I try cygwin 1.7?
William Deegan
- please help
William Deegan
- Newbie needs help using mingw with cygwin
Brian Dessent
- Newbie needs help using mingw with cygwin
Brian Dessent
- OpenGL: Linker errors when trying to compile w/GLUI
Brian Dessent
- SSH / SSL vulnerable?
Brian Dessent
- links broken during a backup (not restore), need more info on how they work to fix & file bug with vendor
Brian Dessent
- mail-archives disappear on ftp mirror sites
Brian Dessent
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 in Cygwin 1.5.25-11
Brian Dessent
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 (OS independent)
Brian Dessent
- setup-procedure: "find" from homepage gives no category for a package
Brian Dessent
- cd not following windows shortcuts
Brian Dessent
- cygwin1.dll incluson in Cygwin makefile
Brian Dessent
- fstab 1.7: spaces in win32path
Brian Dessent
- Problems installing on vista, no /bin in path
Brian Dessent
- fstab 1.7: spaces in win32path
Brian Dessent
- fate/resolution/location of things like "sys/sockio.h"
Brian Dessent
- Urgent !!! Reg Linking sybase DLL in cygwin..
Brian Dessent
- fate/resolution/location of things like "sys/sockio.h"
Brian Dessent
- Problems installing on vista, no /bin in path
Brian Dessent
- MS or cygwin dll debug tools/ was "sys/sockio.h" etc.
Brian Dessent
- MS or cygwin dll debug tools/ was "sys/sockio.h" etc.
Brian Dessent
- MS or cygwin dll debug tools/ was "sys/sockio.h" etc.
Brian Dessent
- MS or cygwin dll debug tools/ was "sys/sockio.h" etc.
Brian Dessent
- MS or cygwin dll debug tools/ was "sys/sockio.h" etc.
Brian Dessent
- Cygwin Cron not running
Brian Dessent
- Cygwin - linker errors - __assert, __itob and __ftol
Brian Dessent
- cscope on cygwin
Dave & Diane
- Question about link.exe?
Lee Dilkie
- cd not following windows shortcuts
Lee Dilkie
- wget and HTTP_PROXY question
Bruce Dobrin
- Can't make Wodim see my cd
Bruce Dobrin
- FW: Permission problems using NFS server in Vista
Volker Drewer-Gutland
- Proper Windows Permissions for SFTP Users
Oren Elrad
- Proper Windows Permissions for SFTP Users
Oren Elrad
- cscope on cygwin
Barladeanu Eva-BEB047
- how to change dir
Christopher Faylor
- Newbie needs help using mingw with cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- how to change dir
Christopher Faylor
- Newbie needs help using mingw with cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- Newbie needs help using mingw with cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- Looking for basic documentation on Cygwin and Serial Ports
Christopher Faylor
- Performance of 1.7
Christopher Faylor
- Performance of 1.7
Christopher Faylor
- Script utility for cygwin?
Christopher Faylor
- I'd like to add and mantain a new pacakge: nix
Christopher Faylor
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Christopher Faylor
- please help
Christopher Faylor
- mail-archives disappear on ftp mirror sites
Christopher Faylor
- Makefile command interpreter
Christopher Faylor
- compile problems on cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- compile problems on cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- links broken during a backup (not restore), need more info on how they work to fix & file bug with vendor
Christopher Faylor
- links broken during a backup (not restore), need more info on how they work to fix & file bug with vendor
Christopher Faylor
- mail-archives disappear on ftp mirror sites
Christopher Faylor
- fate/resolution/location of things like "sys/sockio.h"
Christopher Faylor
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 in Cygwin 1.5.25-11
Christopher Faylor
- make fails to change directory.
Christopher Faylor
- make fails to change directory.
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: binutils-20080523-1
Christopher Faylor
- Reg Linking .dll file in cygwin
Christopher Faylor
- SORRY! Re: fstab 1.7: spaces in win32path
Christopher Faylor
- fstab 1.7: spaces in win32path
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.25-13
Christopher Faylor
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.25-13
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin1.dll incluson in Cygwin makefile
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin1.dll incluson in Cygwin makefile
Christopher Faylor
- 1.5.25: Random segfaults in unix tools
Christopher Faylor
- MS or cygwin dll debug tools/ was "sys/sockio.h" etc.
Christopher Faylor
- Unable to link with libgd
Christopher Faylor
- binutils 20080523-1: version string breaks python2.5 distutils
Christopher Faylor
- binutils 20080523-1: version string breaks python2.5 distutils
Christopher Faylor
- serial ports not visible with 1.7 under Vista
Christopher Faylor
- serial ports not visible with 1.7 under Vista
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin irc channel on
Christopher Faylor
- serial ports not visible with 1.7 under Vista
Christopher Faylor
- binutils 20080523-1: version string breaks python2.5 distutils
Christopher Faylor
- just added a possible conservative fix for rsync problems
Christopher Faylor
- How to backup Cygwin packages list?
- Cygwin Mail and Exchange Server
Frank Fesevur
- cygwin/mysql entering password, some characters plain text
William Finn
- Installing Cygwin with a USB thumb drive
Martin Fischer
- Perl IPC::Cmd
Ronald Fischer
- Perl IPC::Cmd
Ronald Fischer
- Can't set access rights with chmod
Ronald Fischer
- Can't set access rights with chmod (additional info)
Ronald Fischer
- Cygwin Mail and Exchange Server
Ronald Fischer
- Cygwin Mail and Exchange Server
Ronald Fischer
- Cygwin Mail and Exchange Server
Ronald Fischer
- Cygwin Mail and Exchange Server
Ronald Fischer
- wget and HTTP_PROXY question
Ronald Fischer
- CreateProcessA failed, errno 11
Brian Ford
- cleanup after failed setup?
Richard Foulk
- ssh hanging on some connections
Richard Foulk
- ssh hanging on some connections
Richard Foulk
- Why I hate updates
Richard Foulk
- fork performance
Christian Franke
- Can't make Wodim see my cd
Christian Franke
- setup-procedure: "find" from homepage gives no category for a package
Gahr, Wolfgang
- Current Cygwin version?
- as.exe: cannot execute binary file
Buck Golemon
- Problems installing on vista, no /bin in path
Michael Gorven
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.25-13
Angelo Graziosi
- Snapshot - 2008-05-30
- setfacl on Cygwin
Bruno Haible
- cygtls::handle_exceptions: Error while dumping state
Václav Haisman
- SDL and OpenFST package
Václav Haisman
- Why are cygwin files (exe. dlls etc. ) not version stamped on Windows?
Václav Haisman
- Why are cygwin files (exe. dlls etc. ) not version stamped on Windows?
Václav Haisman
- Newbie needs help using mingw with cygwin
Mark Hanlon
- Newbie needs help using mingw with cygwin
Mark Hanlon
- rsync immediately hangs when connecting via ssh (still trying to fix, revisited from Aug 07)
Joel Harrison
- rsync immediately hangs when connecting via ssh (still trying to fix, revisited from Aug 07)
Joel Harrison
- rsync immediately hangs when connecting via ssh (still trying to fix, revisited from Aug 07)
Steven Hartland
- More than 16 Serial Ports
Ralph Hempel
- More than 16 Serial Ports
Ralph Hempel
- Ksh
Ralph Hempel
- Ksh
Ralph Hempel
- compile problems on cygwin
R P Herrold
- compile problems on cygwin
R P Herrold
- compile problems on cygwin
R P Herrold
- Gettext help
Kevin Hilton
- Installing Cygwin with a USB thumb drive
Kevin Hilton
- GnuPG2
Kevin Hilton
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: CMake 2.6.0-1
Bill Hoffman
- Question about link.exe?
Chris Howell
- Question about link
Chris Howell
- cron problems
Pierre A. Humblet
- cron
Pierre A. Humblet
- How to backup Cygwin packages list?
Richard Ivarson
- rsync's --delete and --exclude option
Richard Ivarson
- please help
Richard Ivarson
- please help
Richard Ivarson
- Looking for basic documentation on Cygwin and Serial Ports
Gary Johnson
- git gui can't find /usr/share ??
Michael Kairys
- auto complete history
Thorsten Kampe
- auto complete history
Thorsten Kampe
- Ftp issue on Cygwin under Vista
Thorsten Kampe
- Ftp issue on Cygwin under Vista
Thorsten Kampe
- Can't load sybase.dll DBD::Sybase
Jarek Karpiński
- Can't load sybase.dll DBD::Sybase
Jarek Karpiński
- DBD::Sybase can't load sybase.dll
Jarosław Karpiński
- Feature request: rm to recycle bin
Stephen Kennedy
- cron
Marc Kirby
- ruby-1.8.6-p114-1: IRB cannot use readline any more
Robert Klemme
- ruby-1.8.6-p114-1: IRB cannot use readline any more
Robert Klemme
- Broken Update?
Robert Klemme
- Broken Update?
Robert Klemme
- More than 16 Serial Ports
Dave Korn
- More than 16 Serial Ports
Dave Korn
- File system trouble
Dave Korn
- '%=' invalid? (inline assembly)
Dave Korn
- '%=' invalid? (inline assembly)
Dave Korn
- '%=' invalid? (inline assembly)
Dave Korn
- rm: cannot remove `fil*.txt': No such file or directory
Dave Korn
- why "Sorry, your message has been denied due to keywords found in your subject"?
Dave Korn
- widely-spaced characters in rxvt
Dave Korn
- Recently installed cygwin - cannot install gcc
Dave Korn
- please help
Dave Korn
- please help
Dave Korn
- compile problems on cygwin
Dave Korn
- Compiling a simple glade project in cygwin
Dave Korn
- Compiling a simple glade project in cygwin
Dave Korn
- Cygwin Mail and Exchange Server
Dave Korn
- Cygwin Mail and Exchange Server
Dave Korn
- Ksh
Dave Korn
- make fails to change directory.
Dave Korn
- _pinfo::dup_proc_pipe: DuplicateHandle failed
Dave Korn
- fate/resolution/location of things like "sys/sockio.h"
Dave Korn
- gcc 3.4.4-3
Dave Korn
- cygwin Digest 25 May 2008 15:30:48 -0000 Issue 5990
Dave Korn
- Urgent !!! Reg Linking sybase DLL in cygwin..
Dave Korn
- Urgent !!! Reg Linking sybase DLL in cygwin..
Dave Korn
- Urgent !!! Reg Linking sybase DLL in cygwin..
Dave Korn
- fate/resolution/location of things like "sys/sockio.h"
Dave Korn
- Bug in /usr/bin/ping
Dave Korn
- Bug in /usr/bin/ping
Dave Korn
- rsync immediately hangs when connecting via ssh (still trying to fix, revisited from Aug 07)
Dave Korn
- binutils 20080523-1: version string breaks python2.5 distutils
Dave Korn
- serial ports not visible with 1.7 under Vista
Dave Korn
- serial ports not visible with 1.7 under Vista
Dave Korn
- serial ports not visible with 1.7 under Vista
Dave Korn
- serial ports not visible with 1.7 under Vista
Dave Korn
- serial ports not visible with 1.7 under Vista
Dave Korn
- Cygwin - linker errors - __assert, __itob and __ftol
Dave Korn
- Makefile command interpreter
Volker Kuhlmann
- Makefile command interpreter
Volker Kuhlmann
- rxvt in native mode, widely spaced characters
Lemke, Michael SZ/HZA-ZIOM1
- gcc 3.4.4-3
Steve Levy
- pkill script
Tom Van Looy
- Bug in /usr/bin/ping
Tom Van Looy
- Bug in /usr/bin/ping
Tom Van Looy
- Bug in /usr/bin/ping
Tom Van Looy
- Enc: You could tell me what the package has synch.h
Juliano H. Maas
- fate/resolution/location of things like "sys/sockio.h"
Mike Marchywka
- fate/resolution/location of things like "sys/sockio.h"
Mike Marchywka
- fate/resolution/location of things like "sys/sockio.h"
Mike Marchywka
- fate/resolution/location of things like "sys/sockio.h"
Mike Marchywka
- fate/resolution/location of things like "sys/sockio.h"
Mike Marchywka
- fate/resolution/location of things like "sys/sockio.h"
Mike Marchywka
- fate/resolution/location of things like "sys/sockio.h"
Mike Marchywka
- MS or cygwin dll debug tools/ was "sys/sockio.h" etc.
Mike Marchywka
- MS or cygwin dll debug tools/ was "sys/sockio.h" etc.
Mike Marchywka
- MS or cygwin dll debug tools/ was "sys/sockio.h" etc.
Mike Marchywka
- MS or cygwin dll debug tools/ was "sys/sockio.h" etc.
Mike Marchywka
- Newbie needs help using mingw with cygwin
- Newbie needs help using mingw with cygwin
- Newbie needs help using mingw with cygwin
- serial ports not visible with 1.7 under Vista
Giovanni Maruzzelli
- serial ports not visible with 1.7 under Vista
Giovanni Maruzzelli
- serial ports not visible with 1.7 under Vista
Giovanni Maruzzelli
- serial ports not visible with 1.7 under Vista
Giovanni Maruzzelli
- serial ports not visible with 1.7 under Vista
Giovanni Maruzzelli
- serial ports not visible with 1.7 under Vista
Giovanni Maruzzelli
- serial ports not visible with 1.7 under Vista
Giovanni Maruzzelli
- serial ports not visible with 1.7 under Vista
Giovanni Maruzzelli
- how to change dir
Lee Maschmeyer
- Script utility for cygwin?
Lee Maschmeyer
- Script utility for cygwin?
Lee Maschmeyer
- /dev/fd0 no medium found and does not exist?
Adam McCarthy
- /dev/fd0 no medium found and does not exist?
Adam McCarthy
- /dev/fd0 no medium found and does not exist?
Adam McCarthy
- /dev/fd0 no medium found and does not exist?
Adam McCarthy
- Installing Cygwin with a USB thumb drive
Adam McCarthy
- Installing Cygwin with a USB thumb drive
Adam McCarthy
- lpr works? FAQ in error?
Rodrigo Medina
- please help
Longyu Mei
- please help
Longyu Mei
- please help
Longyu Mei
- please help
Longyu Mei
- please help
Longyu Mei
- Cygwin = cross platform (one way)?
Longyu Mei
- does Cygwin support wide char?
Longyu Mei
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 in Cygwin 1.5.25-11
Longyu Mei
- cron problems
Charles Miller
- fstab 1.7: spaces in win32path
Martin Muenstermann
- fstab 1.7: spaces in win32path
Martin Muenstermann
- cygtls::handle_exceptions: Error while dumping state
Gloria Muñoz
- cygtls::handle_exceptions: Error while dumping state
Gloria Muñoz
- setup.exe die with corrupted list file
SungHyun Nam
- Looking for basic documentation on Cygwin and Serial Ports
- Looking for basic documentation on Cygwin and Serial Ports
- cygwin1.dll incluson in Cygwin makefile
Paul Newell
- cygwin1.dll incluson in Cygwin makefile
Paul Newell
- cygwin1.dll incluson in Cygwin makefile
Paul Newell
- cygwin1.dll incluson in Cygwin makefile
Paul Newell
- Broken Update?
- Broken Update?
- fork performance
Reinhard Nissl
- Cygwin Cron not running
Jonathan O'Leary
- Cygwin Cron not running
Jonathan O'Leary
- make fails to change directory.
Gadi Oron
- make fails to change directory.
Gadi Oron
- make fails to change directory.
Gadi Oron
- cygwin Digest 25 May 2008 15:30:48 -0000 Issue 5990
Gadi Oron
- changing directory
Gadi Oron
- 2.573.2.2 wget not possible creating files with question mark ? in name
- FW: ssmtp with multiple email accounts
Igor Peshansky
- 1.5.7 undefined reference to getreent when using mno-cygwin
Igor Peshansky
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Igor Peshansky
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Igor Peshansky
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Igor Peshansky
- Question about link
Igor Peshansky
- links broken during a backup (not restore), need more info on how they work to fix & file bug with vendor
Igor Peshansky
- links broken during a backup (not restore), need more info on how they work to fix & file bug with vendor
Igor Peshansky
- pdksh package: Error when issuing a 'typeset -r' statement
Matthew Pettis
- pdksh package: Error when issuing a 'typeset -r' statement
Matthew Pettis
- binutils 20080523-1: version string breaks python2.5 distutils
Joe Pham
- binutils 20080523-1: version string breaks python2.5 distutils
Joe Pham
- CreateProcessA failed, errno 11
Thomas Plank
- CreateProcessA failed, errno 11
Thomas Plank
- CreateProcessA failed, errno 11 [BLODA alert]
Thomas Plank
- CreateProcessA failed, errno 11
Thomas Plank
- CreateProcessA failed, errno 11
Thomas Plank
- cygport missing features after 0.3.9
Yaakov (Cygwin Ports)
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: alternatives-1.3.30c-2
Yaakov (Cygwin Ports)
- cygport 0.3.9 bug
Yaakov (Cygwin Ports)
- cygport missing features after 0.3.9
Yaakov (Cygwin Ports)
- cygport missing features after 0.3.9
Yaakov (Cygwin Ports)
- cygport missing features after 0.3.9 [Was: Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: inetutils-1.5-3]
Yaakov (Cygwin Ports)
- FW: How to manipulate access control lists (ACL)?
Yaakov (Cygwin Ports)
- how to change dir
Yaakov (Cygwin Ports)
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] NEW: libtool-2.2.2-2 / Updated: libltdl7-2.2.2-2
Yaakov (Cygwin Ports)
- libusb-win32: libusb.pc
Yaakov (Cygwin Ports)
- initstate/setstate
Yaakov (Cygwin Ports)
- initstate/setstate
Yaakov (Cygwin Ports)
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 in Cygwin 1.5.25-11
Yaakov (Cygwin Ports)
Yaakov (Cygwin Ports)
- Ftp issue on Cygwin under Vista
- Ftp issue on Cygwin under Vista
- Newbie needs help using mingw with cygwin
Tim Prince
- cd not following windows shortcuts
Tim Prince
- Cygwin - linker errors - __assert, __itob and __ftol
Tim Prince
- Cygwin - linker errors - __assert, __itob and __ftol
Tim Prince
- Fwd: Need help / Option -D to start sshd server
Alexandre Rapebach
- chere-like behavior from shortcut -- open shell at shortcut-given directory?
- how to change dir
Mark J. Reed
- FW: How to manipulate access control lists (ACL)?
Mark J. Reed
- how to change dir
Mark J. Reed
- Script utility for cygwin?
Mark J. Reed
- Script utility for cygwin?
Mark J. Reed
- Script utility for cygwin?
Mark J. Reed
- Script utility for cygwin?
Mark J. Reed
- Script utility for cygwin?
Mark J. Reed
- rxvt in native mode, widely spaced characters
Mark J. Reed
- pdksh package: Error when issuing a 'typeset -r' statement
Mark J. Reed
- pdksh package: Error when issuing a 'typeset -r' statement
Mark J. Reed
- Ksh
Mark J. Reed
- grep raises signal ERR
Mark J. Reed
- grep raises signal ERR
Mark J. Reed
- pdksh package: Error when issuing a 'typeset -r' statement
Mark J. Reed
- Makefile command interpreter
Mark J. Reed
- Ksh
Mark J. Reed
- setfacl on Cygwin
Mark J. Reed
- Current Cygwin version?
Mark J. Reed
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: pkg-config-0.23a-1
Damon Register
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: pkg-config-0.23a-1
Damon Register
- _pinfo::dup_proc_pipe: DuplicateHandle failed
Relson, David
- Broken Update?
Mark Rinfret
- Cygwin Mail and Exchange Server
Samuel Robb
Juliet Rogers
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.25-13
Peter Rosin
- Newbie needs help using mingw with cygwin
Bob Rossi
- SWIG is downlevel
Chris Rossi
- CreateProcessA failed, errno 11
David Rothenberger
- CreateProcessA failed, errno 11 [BLODA alert]
David Rothenberger
- rsync's --delete and --exclude option
David Rothenberger
- svn / subversion does not print
David Rothenberger
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libvorbis/libvorbis-devel/libvorbis0/libvorbisenc2/libvorbisfile3-1.2.0-2
David Rothenberger
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: {speex,speex-devel,libspeex1}-1.2beta3.2-1
David Rothenberger
- how to change dir
Lee D. Rothstein
- how to change dir
Lee D. Rothstein
- how to change dir & POSIX
Lee D. Rothstein
- lpr works? FAQ in error?
Lee D. Rothstein
- I'd like to add and mantain a new pacakge: nix
Lee D. Rothstein
- I'd like to add and mantain a new pacakge: nix
Lee D. Rothstein
- I'd like to add and mantain a new pacakge: nix
Lee D. Rothstein
- Cygwin - linker errors - __assert, __itob and __ftol
- Cygwin - linker errors - __assert, __itob and __ftol
- Cygwin - linker errors - __assert, __itob and __ftol
- Cygwin - linker errors - __assert, __itob and __ftol
- Why I hate updates
Wes S
- cygwin perl useradd command
Hugh Sasse
- wget and HTTP_PROXY question
Hugh Sasse
- _pinfo::dup_proc_pipe: DuplicateHandle failed
Hugh Sasse
- _pinfo::dup_proc_pipe: DuplicateHandle failed
Hugh Sasse
- Why I hate updates
Stefan Scholl
- Update breaking things...
Stefan Scholl
- Why I hate updates
Stefan Scholl
- Why I hate updates
Stefan Scholl
- Why I hate updates
Stefan Scholl
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: atool-0.34.0-2
Andrew Schulman
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] [security] Updated: stunnel-4.23-1
Andrew Schulman
- Feature request: rm to recycle bin
Andrew Schulman
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] [SECURITY] Updated: stunnel-4.24-1
Andrew Schulman
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account
Schutter, Thomas A.
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Schutter, Thomas A.
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Schutter, Thomas A.
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Schutter, Thomas A.
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Schutter, Thomas A.
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Schutter, Thomas A.
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Schutter, Thomas A.
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Schutter, Thomas A.
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Schutter, Thomas A.
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Schutter, Thomas A.
- wget and HTTP_PROXY question
Markus Schönhaber
- building perl-5.8.8-4 from source 'perl-5.8.8-ext-Win32CORE.tar.bz2 not found'
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- cd not following windows shortcuts
Gustavo Seabra
- mail-archives disappear on ftp mirror sites
Sven Severus
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: bash-3.2.39-19
Gary R. Van Sickle
- About init
Jaspreet Singh
- xinetd and telnet
Jaspreet Singh
- cygwin perl useradd command
Jaspreet Singh
- cygwin perl useradd command
Jaspreet Singh
- cygwin perl useradd command
Jaspreet Singh
- cygwin virtual user
Jaspreet Singh
- cygwin virtual user
Jaspreet Singh
- cygwin virtual user
Jaspreet Singh
- /dev/console
Jaspreet Singh
- /dev/console
Jaspreet Singh
- Permission Denied
Jaspreet Singh
- Perl IPC::Cmd
- Unable to link with libgd
Mark Smith
- cygwin & autotools - readline not found
Liam Staskawicz
- Script utility for cygwin?
Stepp, Charles
- Installing Cygwin with a USB thumb drive
Stepp, Charles
Kosovo Student
- postgresql package and error message translations
Dmitry Teslenko
- postgresql package and error message translations
Dmitry Teslenko
- widely-spaced characters in rxvt
Henry S. Thompson
- Cygwin Mail and Exchange Server
Reid Thompson
- Cygwin Mail and Exchange Server
Reid Thompson
- please help
Thrall, Bryan
- binutils 20080523-1: version string breaks python2.5 distutils
Jason Tishler
- binutils 20080523-1: version string breaks python2.5 distutils
Jason Tishler
- binutils 20080523-1: version string breaks python2.5 distutils
Jason Tishler
- gdc update?
- svn / subversion does not print
Spiro Trikaliotis
- Makefile command interpreter
Spiro Trikaliotis
- MS or cygwin dll debug tools/ was "sys/sockio.h" etc.
Spiro Trikaliotis
- Perl IPC::Cmd
Reini Urban
- Recently installed cygwin - cannot install gcc
Reini Urban
- [Packaging error] Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: {xerces-c/libxerces-c-devel/xerces-c-doc}-2.8.0-1 New: {libxerces-c28/xerces-c-test}-2.8.0-1
Reini Urban
- postgresql package and error message translations
Reini Urban
- Recently installed cygwin - cannot install gcc
Reini Urban
Reini Urban
- Enc: You could tell me what the package has synch.h
Reini Urban
- AR Soft RAM Disk BLODA
Reini Urban
- makefile for matlab-engine in cygwin
Reini Urban
- building perl-5.8.8-4 from source 'perl-5.8.8-ext-Win32CORE.tar.bz2 not found'
Reini Urban
- building perl-5.8.8-4 from source "perl-5.8.8-ext-Win32CORE.tar.bz2 not found"
Reini Urban
- Urgent !!! Reg Linking sybase DLL in cygwin..
Reini Urban
- Can't load sybase.dll DBD::Sybase
Reini Urban
- 1.5.1: trouble with graphics (UNCLASSIFIED)
Vaughn, Ed AMRDEC
- inetutils 1.5 / ftpd problem: 426 Data connection: No buffer space available.
Corinna Vinschen
- Problem with cygserver and sysv message queues: msgsnd() blocks forever.
Corinna Vinschen
- /dev/fd0 no medium found and does not exist?
Corinna Vinschen
- Looking for basic documentation on Cygwin and Serial Ports
Corinna Vinschen
- inetutils 1.5 / ftpd problem: 426 Data connection: No buffer space available.
Corinna Vinschen
- inetutils 1.5 / ftpd problem: 426 Data connection: No buffer space available.
Corinna Vinschen
- /dev/fd0 no medium found and does not exist?
Corinna Vinschen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: ruby-1.8.6-p114-1
Corinna Vinschen
- Feature request: rm to recycle bin
Corinna Vinschen
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Corinna Vinschen
- initstate/setstate
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin virtual user
Corinna Vinschen
- initstate/setstate
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin virtual user
Corinna Vinschen
- cygwin virtual user
Corinna Vinschen
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Corinna Vinschen
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Corinna Vinschen
- initstate/setstate
Corinna Vinschen
- Unable to run sshd under a domain sshd_server account [SOLVED]
Corinna Vinschen
- please help
Corinna Vinschen
- mail-archives disappear on ftp mirror sites
Corinna Vinschen
- fork performance
Corinna Vinschen
- 1.5.25-11: Bash Fails after initial install on Windows 2008 Server
Corinna Vinschen
- ruby-1.8.6-p114-1: IRB cannot use readline any more
Corinna Vinschen
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: ruby-1.8.6-p114-2
Corinna Vinschen
- setfacl on Cygwin
Corinna Vinschen
- setfacl on Cygwin
Corinna Vinschen
- /dev/console
Corinna Vinschen
- setfacl on Cygwin
Corinna Vinschen
- Update breaking things...
Nicholas Volk
- Update breaking things...
Nicholas Volk
- How to backup Cygwin packages list?
Mirko Vukovic
- How to backup Cygwin packages list?
Mirko Vukovic
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 (OS independent)
Linda Walsh
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 in Cygwin 1.5.25-11
Linda Walsh
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 in Cygwin 1.5.25-11
Linda Walsh
- I'd like to add and mantain a new pacakge: nix
Marc Weber
- how to change dir
Roger Wells
- 1.5.1: trouble with graphics (UNCLASSIFIED)
Roger Wells
- Performance issue on Vista x64
Charles Wilson
- FW: ssmtp with multiple email accounts
Charles Wilson
- cygport missing features after 0.3.9
Charles Wilson
- inetutils 1.5 / ftpd problem: 426 Data connection: No buffer space available.
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: pkg-config-0.23a-1
Charles Wilson
- rxvt in native mode, widely spaced characters [Was: Re: why "Sorry, your message has been denied due to keywords found in your subject"?]
Charles Wilson
- rxvt in native mode, widely spaced characters [Was: Re: why "Sorry, your message has been denied due to keywords found in your subject"?]
Charles Wilson
- rxvt in native mode, widely spaced characters [Was: Re: why "Sorry, your message has been denied due to keywords found in your subject"?]
Charles Wilson
- rxvt in native mode, widely spaced characters
Charles Wilson
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: pkg-config-0.23a-1
Charles Wilson
- Newbie needs help using mingw with cygwin
Warren Young
- Recently installed cygwin - cannot install gcc
Warren Young
- Question about link.exe?
Warren Young
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libgcrypt-1.4.1-1
Dr. Volker Zell
- About init
Dr. Volker Zell
- [Packaging bug] Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libgcrypt-1.4.1-1
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libgcrypt-1.4.1-1
Dr. Volker Zell
- [Packaging bug] Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libgcrypt-1.4.1-1
Dr. Volker Zell
- [Attn: netpbm maintainer] Packaging bugs and problem with ppmtogif
Dr. Volker Zell
- [Packaging error] Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mathomatic-12.9.2-2
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: {libsmi/libsmi2/libsmi-devel}-0.4.8-1: A library that allows management applications to access SMI MIB module definitions
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: {neon/libneon27/libneon-devel}-0.28.2-1: HTTP and WebDAV library
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: {libtasn1/libtasn1_3/libtasn1-devel}-1.4-1: Tiny ASN.1 library
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: tzcode-2008a-1
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: {libidn/libidn11/libidn-devel/libidn-doc}-1.8-1: Internationalized domain name library
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cadaver-0.23.2-1: Command-line WebDAV client
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: inetutils-1.5-4
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New package: hp2xx-3.4.4 - A HP-GL Converter
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New package: mcrypt-2.6.7 - A replacement for the old crypt command
Dr. Volker Zell
- [Packaging bug ?] Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: CMake 2.6.0-1
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] New package: ted-2.17 - An easy rich text processor
Dr. Volker Zell
- Recently installed cygwin - cannot install gcc
David Ziants
- Recently installed cygwin - cannot install gcc
David Ziants
- mail-archives disappear on ftp mirror sites
- inetutils 1.5 / ftpd problem: 426 Data connection: No buffer space available.
antony baxter
- how to change dir
- how to change dir
- beautiful zgdaf $paramCategory yovn.
- beautiful zgdaf $paramCategory yovn.
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: inetutils-1.5-4
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: alternatives-1.3.30c-2
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: pkg-config-0.23a-2
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: {xerces-c/libxerces-c28/libxerces-c-devel/xerces-c-doc/xerces-c-test}-2.8.0-4
- Current Cygwin version?
- svn / subversion does not print
- svn / subversion does not print
- svn / subversion does not print
- svn / subversion does not print -- FIXED (I think)
- Windows ClearCase [Was: Cygwin Visuals]
- I have set the path and the path works in cmd but does not work in Makefile!!!
- OpenGL: Linker errors when trying to compile w/GLUI
- [setup.exe crashes at cygrunsrv uninstall step] [GishPuppy]
- Problem with Linux serial port
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 in Cygwin 1.5.25-11
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 in Cygwin 1.5.25-11
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 in Cygwin 1.5.25-11
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 in Cygwin 1.5.25-11
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 in Cygwin 1.5.25-11
- wstring support in GCC 4.1.2 in Cygwin 1.5.25-11
- Reg linking Sybase dll in cygwin
Mani kandan
- Reg Linking .dll file in cygwin
Mani kandan
- Urgent !!! Reg Linking sybase DLL in cygwin..
Mani kandan
- Urgent !!! Reg Linking sybase DLL in cygwin..
Mani kandan
- Urgent !!! Reg Linking sybase DLL in cygwin..
Mani kandan
- Urgent !!! Reg Linking sybase DLL in cygwin.
Mani kandan
- Script utility for cygwin?
- Script utility for cygwin?
- SDL and OpenFST package
- pdksh package: Error when issuing a 'typeset -r' statement
phil long
- mirrors innacessible from setup.exe
jim miller
- re mirrors innacessible from setup.exe
jim miller
- rm: cannot remove `fil*.txt': No such file or directory
- Why are cygwin files (exe. dlls etc. ) not version stamped on Windows?
- portmap service won't start
- File Permissions Issue
- tar failing hard link creation
- SSH / SSL vulnerable?
- links broken during a backup (not restore), need more info on how they work to fix & file bug with vendor
vapid vapid
- links broken during a backup (not restore), need more info on how they work to fix & file bug with vendor
vapid vapid
- links broken during a backup (not restore), need more info on how they work to fix & file bug with vendor
- Compiling a simple glade project in cygwin
- Compiling a simple glade project in cygwin
- Compiling a simple glade project in cygwin
- Problem compiling the simplest of glade projects
- Fw: MeghÃvás
- makefile for matlab-engine in cygwin
Last message date:
Sat May 31 23:07:00 GMT 2008
Archived on: Wed Mar 25 13:51:42 GMT 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).