Urgent !!! Reg Linking sybase DLL in cygwin.

Greg Chicares gchicares@sbcglobal.net
Wed May 28 09:05:00 GMT 2008

On 2008-05-28 05:00Z, Mani kandan wrote:
>   I have created sample.dll in MSVC++  and i am able to link that dll
> in cygwin environment.
>   Even i have tried with some other dlls which is generated in MSVC++,
> i am able to link and that EXE's also
>   working fine.

Perhaps your sample dll does none of the problematic things
Reini mentioned. However, if a C++ vendor dll, built with
msvc, communicates through anything but a very restrictive
subset of C++ (only the vendor can tell you that), then it
can't be linked to code built with g++ to produce a valid
program. It's not just difficult: it's simply not feasible.

Here's another explanation:

> As you suggested the vendor are not support the cygwin
> environment and they didn't agree to give the
>   source code also. The only option is I have to link some other way
> that sybase dll in cygwin.pls help.

Probably your only option is to use msvc.

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