fate/resolution/location of things like "sys/sockio.h"

Mike Marchywka marchywka@hotmail.com
Tue May 27 14:49:00 GMT 2008

> are two very different runtimes. For example, try running one of those
> programs and then pressing ^C to stop it and I think you will find it
> segfaults or malfunctions in some other random way. Any behavior in

I'd been skimming these topics, which was why I posted the glut program cygcheck as
it, and probably many programs, show msvcrt in cygcheck. I did just run the packet
capture program and hit refresh on my browser and got a bunch of nicely formated
hex data- I can't verify the data is right but any malfunction isn't due to stack corruption
or a gross build problem. It did even ctrl-C ok.

> But I don't see why you're trying to build a Cygwin nmap anyway. nmap
> has a native win32 port so why not just build that using MinGW?

I downloaded whatever they had and followed the instructions but that didn't work
right away. I've never used mingw and don't really see the point as I understand it is
limited and I've gotten used to cygwin. So, it seemed the easier thing to do was make everything
cygwin ( if it can be made to work). This was only supposed to be an example program as I wanted
to lift their ICMP code and write some LAN exploration utilities, their pre-built
binaries are fine for packet scans right now but it may be nice to modifiy a few things soon. 


Mike Marchywka
586 Saint James Walk
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here. Thanks.

> Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 07:03:32 -0700
> From: brian@dessent.net
> To: marchywka@hotmail.com
> CC: cygwin@cygwin.com
> Subject: Re: fate/resolution/location of things like "sys/sockio.h"
> Mike Marchywka wrote:
>> Also, FWIW, I took a sample program in wpdpack and compiled it WITH cygwin
>> ( all the makefiles that came with the download did use -mno-cygwin )
>> and it at least loaded ( it may function properly but I haven't checked),
> Yes, a trivial invocation of help output usually works. But still the
> problem remains that a library that was built against MSVCRT is not
> supposed to be linked against code that was built against Cygwin -- they
> are two very different runtimes. For example, try running one of those
> programs and then pressing ^C to stop it and I think you will find it
> segfaults or malfunctions in some other random way. Any behavior in
> that situation that does work is by luck, is my point.
> But I don't see why you're trying to build a Cygwin nmap anyway. nmap
> has a native win32 port so why not just build that using MinGW?
> Brian
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