fstab 1.7: spaces in win32path

Brian Dessent brian@dessent.net
Mon May 26 10:09:00 GMT 2008

Martin Muenstermann wrote:

> after my last update of cygwin, I found myself in the cygwin 1.7 world
> (uname -rv: 1.7.0(0.185/5/2) 2008-05-25 20:10).

That was not intentional, the 1.7 update was meant to go to the testing

> My problem:
> I haven't found a way to mount a win32path containing spaces (like
> "c:\\Dokumente und Einstellungen\\myself") through fstab. Tried
> enclosing it with " and/or escaping the spaces (\ ).
> C:\\Dokumente\ und\ Einstellungen\\myself /DOS    some_fs text   0 0

It's done the same as on linux, using \nnn where nnn is the octal value
of the character.


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