Question about link.exe?

Warren Young
Fri May 16 15:27:00 GMT 2008

Chris Howell wrote:
> What I want is link to be the path that is found under 
> my BIN directory of my DevStudio install. However possibily because 
> they're the same name when I query link, or try and use it to make a 
> dll. Bash thinks I am using link to make a symbolic link as opposed to a 
> dll.

Your PATH evidently has the Cygwin tools before the VC++ tools, so it's 
finding /usr/bin/link before VC++'s link.exe.

Instead of using the VC++ Command Shell, I always start from the Cygwin 
shell.  Then when I need to use the VC++ command line tools, I use the 
following script to create a VC++ subshell, which I call vcvars9:

---------------- 8< --------- cut here ---------- 8< ------------

export VSDIR="c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0"
export VCDIR="$VSDIR\VC"

WSDKDIR="c:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A"

export INCLUDE=\
export LIB="$ATLDIR\lib;$VCDIR\lib;$PSDKDIR\lib;$WSDKDIR\lib"
export LIBPATH="$ATLDIR\lib"

export PATH=\

echo "Say 'exit' to leave VS2008 shell and restore Cygwin environment."
/usr/bin/bash --rcfile ~/.vcvars9rc

---------------- 8< --------- cut here ---------- 8< ------------

In ~/.vcvars9rc, I have just a single line to change the prompt string 
to remind myself that I'm in a subshell:

PS1='VS2008: \W \$ '

On exiting the shell, your previous Cygwin environment is restored.

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