rm: cannot remove `fil*.txt': No such file or directory

mirz mirz@o2.pl
Thu May 8 12:15:00 GMT 2008

Hi all,

I have small problem with removing files in the Cygwin.

When I created file.txt:
sh-3.2$ touch file.txt
sh-3.2$ ls
file.txt  mylist  pliczek.txt  rm1.exe

I can't remove it with * because bash told me No such file or directory
sh-3.2$ rm fil*.txt
rm: cannot remove `fil*.txt': No such file or directory

When I used * with ls it works correct
sh-3.2$ ls fil*

I tested rm under windows console and works correct. So I think rm in cygwin recognize * like text no like special character. I tried add rm ./fil*.txt but without effects then I tried rm -fr fil*.txt and rm 'fil*.txt' and was the same result. So how can I remove this file using star (*)? I don't want write rm file.txt


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