CreateProcessA failed, errno 11 [BLODA alert]

Thomas Plank
Fri May 2 21:56:00 GMT 2008

David Rothenberger <> wrote:

>> So you are not experiencing any fork() problems any longer? Really
>> strange. What kind of sh*** the ATI drivers must be ...

> Nope. I could easily reproduce the problem by building subversion
> 1.5.0-rc4. My PIDs would get up into the 300,000s and everything would
> eventually die with fork errors. Other applications on the system would
> also encounter problems. Stopping all Cygwin processes did not solve the
> problem; only a reboot did. After uninstalling Cat8.4, I successfully
> built subversion and the tests have been running for a few hours. Max
> PID on my system is 6032 and page file usage is stable.

Ok, this sounds good.
One question is remaining: How did you hit on that? (Catalyst drivers)
mfg Thomas

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