setup.exe needs package name selection filter

Dave Korn
Fri Jun 20 12:23:00 GMT 2008

reikred wrote on 20 June 2008 02:08:

> Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 09:51:03AM +0900, wynfield wrote:
>>> I agree with reikred below.  Search, functionality would be greatly
>>> appreciated.  It seems crude to have to scroll page by page and manually
>>> look for a searched for package.
>>> But, I suspect that, this isn't the list to write about setup.exe
>>> I believe it has its own list.
>> Yes.  It's called
>> cgf
> Oh, I was thinking about sending it through the
> "" mailing-list
> filter but then I forgot. ;-)
> Please read it in the spirit of a suggestion of a feature
> that I think could be VERY useful to a lot of people, not
> just the 1% of cygwin users that know how to implement it.
> rr

  It's definitely a good suggestion, quite possibly a great suggestion.

  However, having made it, it is now just going to sit there in the mail
archive for ever and ever and not ever do anything all by itself.

  I think the point that cgf is getting at is that there is no shortage of
suggestions or good ideas or enhancement requests or wish lists nor any
difficulty in coming up with new ones.  But without a bit of getting-it-done
elbow grease, a suggestion is really very little use on its own.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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