where is cygintl8.dll?

Dave Korn dave.korn@artimi.com
Thu Sep 13 15:20:00 GMT 2007

On 13 September 2007 16:03, Rupert Young wrote:

[ Re-directed back to list from private email. ]

> Thanks, though this doesn't tell me which bz2 file it is in.

  You shouldn't want or need to know that.
> I have uncompressed all the downloaded files 

  You shouldn't want or need to do that.

> and neither libintl8 nor
> cygintl-8 are therein. Any idea where they should be?

 They ought to be there, in your local package storage directory, under
<mirrorname>/release/gettext, but then again, you shouldn't want or need to
find them.

> Incidentally, when downloading in "select packages" libintl8 is shown as
> "Keep" and "n/a".

  Which should mean it's installed, which should mean you can find it in /bin.

  Perhaps you should tell us what the actual problem is that has inspired you
to go barking up this wrong trees rather than just ask us how to put into
effect what is probably the wrong solution based on a misdiagnosis?

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