end of file characters

DePriest, Jason R. jrdepriest@gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 19:00:00 GMT 2007

On Dec 1, 2007 3:07 PM, Erik Weibust  wrote:
> I went with the defaults when installing cygwin.  Which means I used
>  the recommended unix/binary line feed setting.  It sounded like that
>  means I get no line-ending translation done by cygwin, which is fine.
> So I open a .bat file and see a bunch of ^Ms at the end of each line.
>   Then I open a xml file and don't see them.  I was expecting to see
> the
>  ^Ms again as the xml file, just like the bat file, was created in a
>  windows environment.  Is this normal?
deleted words

Vi also doesn't show the ^M if it recognizes the file as [dos] and
instead shows a little [dos] in the information line.


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