sqlplus and end-of-line problem in shell script code

Thomas Porschberg thomas.porschberg@osp-dd.de
Fri Sep 29 15:21:00 GMT 2006

Am Fri, 29 Sep 2006 10:08:04 -0500
schrieb mwoehlke <mwoehlke@tibco.com>:

> Thomas Porschberg wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I want to use our shell script collection which includes sqlplus
> > calls under Cygwin.
> > I have the following problem with this code snippet:
> > 
> > #!/bin/bash
> > 
> > RESULT=`sqlplus -s myuser/mypasswd@MYDB <<EOF
> > EOF`
> > 
> > if test "$RESULT" = "42" ; then
> > echo "Result is 42..."
> > else
> > echo "Result is not 42 ??!"
> > fi
> > 
> > When I run the script on UNIX it prints "Result is 42..." which is
> > OK. When I run the script under Cygwin the result is: "Result is
> > not 42??!" The reason is that under Cygwin the result of the SELECT
> > are 3 characters "42" "CR" "LF" (instead of 2 characters "42" and
> > "LF"). I did not found a way to convince sqlplus to produce
> > UNIX-EOLs on Windows. Does anyone know how to solve the problem
> > without changing the code itself ?
> Um, if by "the code" you meant the above script, then no. Otherwise
> it looks like you could drop a '| d2u' (or '| sed s/\r//g') in there.
> I forget though if you want:
> RESULT=`app | d2u << EOF
> input
> EOF`
> or
> RESULT=`app << EOF
> input
> EOF | d2u`
> ...or possibly neither. At any rate, that's a question of shell
> syntax; get that right and it seems it should work.
Yes I know this is possible. But we have a lot of such scripts (above
is just a tiny example and the code is not in our project).
So introducing code changes is nearly impossible. However Mr. Zell
reported about a successful run of the script above. So it should be
possible. Still looking how.



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