cygrunsrv -y question

Robert McGraw
Thu Sep 21 14:21:00 GMT 2006

Sergei Kolodka < <at>> writes:

> Hello, Robert.
> MRP> If I go to "computer management/services" I see the column header "Name"
> MRP> which is "Cygwin sshd" but that seems to be a display name. 
> MRP> What is the right service_name to use with the -y parameter? Where would I
> MRP> find the service_name?
> If you doubleclick on any service you'll see it name in very first
> line on first tab from the left. Sorry, can't be more specific as
> I have only localized Windows on hands.

Thanks. Tried it and that is the name 

> Do you run standalone sshd or start it via inetd ?

This is on a window 2003 server and required that I run inetd as the user
sshd_server which means taht sshd-server has to be running before I start inetd.
  Setting the dependdencies did the trick.

For a test I used "-y sshd" and it seemed to pickup up the name "CYGWIN sshd"

Thanks for your responce.

> If you run sshd standalone - does it start normally and do you run
> Terminal Services ?
> --
> Regards,
> Sergei

Thanks for your help.

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