UNC file names, symlinks and ssh

Phillip Lord phillip.lord@newcastle.ac.uk
Thu Nov 16 17:36:00 GMT 2006

>>>>> "PL" == Phillip Lord <phillip.lord@newcastle.ac.uk> writes:

  PL> I am getting some confusing behaviour from cygwin that I don't
  PL> understand. Essentially, UNC files names appear to be behaving
  PL> very differently between the console and when sshing into the
  PL> machine.

  Dave> http://cygwin.com/faq/faq.using.html#faq.using.shares

  Dave>   You can probably work round it by issuing the command

  Dave> net use //<server>/<share> /U:<yourusername> "<yourpassword>"

  Dave> at the shell prompt after login.

Ah, a faq, how embarrassing. I shall have a try of this later. Thanks
very much for the advice. 


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