FW: Windows 2003 Server, Cygwin sshd and mpiexec

Larry Hall (Cygwin) reply-to-list-only-lh@cygwin.com
Fri Aug 11 14:59:00 GMT 2006

Andy Keane wrote:
> Corinna
> I am try to give linux users access to our parallel windows 2003 server pack
> cluster via the OpenSSH daeom of cygwin.
> I have tried the standard install with ssh-host-config and all works fine
> and users can log in with passwords or with certificates to cygwin on the
> cluster. However when they try and run an mpi job with mpiexec we get:
> ajk@headnode-10 /cygdrive/h/hydra
> $ mpiexec -n 2 mpipi
> unable to read authorization result from headnode-10. generic socket
> failure, error stack:
> ReadFailed(1538):  (errno -1073741508)
> Aborting: Access denied by manager (1) on node 'headnode-10'.
> A common cause: mpiexec and the root smpd daemon running on that node are
> using different user accounts.
> ajk@headnode-10 /cygdrive/h/hydra
> $ ps -le
> I    4756       1    4756       5764    3 11155   Aug  8 /usr/bin/bash
> I    5932       1    5932       5932  con 11155 11:04:45 /usr/bin/bash
>      4736       1    4736       4736  con 2721 12:40:09 /usr/bin/cygrunsrv
>      4904    4736    4904       6480  con 2721 12:40:09 /usr/sbin/sshd
>      6336    4904    6336       7868    ? 2721 12:40:38 /usr/sbin/sshd
>      7260    6336    7260       7268    4 11155 12:40:39 /usr/bin/bash
>      2892    7260    2892        516    4 11155 13:50:24 /usr/bin/ps
> ajk@headnode-10 /cygdrive/h/hydra
> If however I simply log in using a remote desktop and start cygwin locally
> the same command works fine - clearly the ssh log in ends up looking
> different to the system than the non-ssh one. I have even tried:
> net localgroup Administrators sshd_server /add
> editrights -a SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege -u sshd_server
> editrights -a SeCreateTokenPrivilege -u sshd_server
> editrights -a SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege -u sshd_server
> editrights -a SeServiceLogonRight -u sshd_server
> mkpasswd -l -u sshd_server >> /etc/passwd
> editrights -a SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight -u sshd_server
> editrights -a SeDenyNetworkLogonRight -u sshd_server
> editrights -a SeDenyRemoteInteractiveLogonRight -u sshd_server
> cygrunsrv --stop sshd
> cygrunsrv --remove sshd
> cygrunsrv -I sshd -p /usr/sbin/sshd -a -D -u sshd_server -w <password>
> net start sshd
> and I still get the same problems, though login still works fine over sshd.
> It does not seem to matter if I use privilege separation or not.

I'm sorry.  I don't understand how this inquiry differs from your last one
on this subject:


You're going to have to be more specific about how you get the problem you
see in light of the responses you've already gotten.

Larry Hall                              http://www.rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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