Installation Fails (Hangs?) on plain vanilla XP Machine

Larry Hall (Cygwin)
Sat Nov 26 04:37:00 GMT 2005

surendar jeyadev wrote:
> I am trying to install Cygwin on a standard Windows XP
> set up.
> When I run 'setup.exe', it hangs at the point where is
> starts
> to download the 'mirrors.lst' file. The is no activity
> in the
> progress bar and I noted no disk or net activity for
> 30 min.
> Retried 3 times to no avail. The log file is included
> below.

Can you reach <> from your
browser?  Are you using an FTP mirror?  If so, try an
HTTP mirror instead.  Or try:


> A couple of questions. What are McShield and McAfee
> doing here?
> I run Norton Internet Security. Could that be the
> problem? But,
> turning off the firewall did nothing to help.

These messages are no problem.  Setup checks for McAfee
because it is known to cause setup problems.  As the
message notes, "McAfee may not be installed,...", which
is true in your case.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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