1.5.18-1: cannot start executables (except cygcheck.exe) on windows server 2003 web edition

Eduard Witteveen e.witteveen@HAWARIT.COM
Fri Nov 25 20:09:00 GMT 2005

Eric Blake wrote:
> Can you look at /var/log/setup.log.full and see if there is anything in
> there that is relevant to why the postinstall script failed?  I'm
> suspecting a permissions problem.  All the postinstall script attempts to
> do is "cp /bin/bash.exe /bin/sh.exe", once it determines that /bin/sh was
> missing or out-of-date; so doing that manually should also work.
I copied the file manually, but that didnt work(i still couldnt start bash)

> The only packages that trigger the installation of /bin/sh are ash and
> bash, and they are both part of the Base category.  Selecting "Reinstall"
> in setup.exe for these packages should do the job, unless you have some
> weird permissions problems which interferes with their ability to do the
> copy of bash to sh.
Again i did a complete reinstall (removed everything except the 
After this i did a reinstall of bash with the setup.

I attached the setup.log.full (since i didnt see anything *strange* in 
it) and again the cygcheck.out.

Still when i try to run cygwin from cmd.exe i get the following result:
> Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]
> (C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.
> C:\Documents and Settings\as>cd c:\cygwin\bin
> C:\cygwin\bin>bash.exe
> C:\cygwin\bin>bash.exe --help
> C:\cygwin\bin>bash.exe --version
> C:\cygwin\bin>

On my workstation i have the "normal" behaviour:
> Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
> (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
> C:\Documents and Settings\EW>cd c:\cygwin\bin
> C:\cygwin\bin>bash.exe
> bash-3.00$ exit
Is there a way to debug this error, without installing all kind of 
development tools?
(i'm willing install a verbose version of bash/ldb for windows, but i 
cannot install a complete develop enviroment)

Really appreciating all your effort,

Ing. Eduard Yeb Witteveen           Software Engineer
Hawar Information Technology bv   lid Dijkoraad Groep
De Wymerts 7  8701 WT                        Bolsward
Tel: +31 (0)515 570333         Fax: +31 (0)515 570335
http://www.hawarit.com/             nl_NL fy_NL en_US
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