rcs 5.7 truncated one of my files

Eric Blake ebb9@byu.net
Wed Nov 23 14:17:00 GMT 2005

Hash: SHA1

According to Max Bowsher on 11/22/2005 4:14 PM:
> RCS has not been updated in years.

Could it be that RCS is still using 32-bit offsets because it has not been
recompiled against newer cygwin headers to turn on 64-bit offsets?  You
can figure this out if the truncation is occuring on ,v files > 2 gig in size.

> Can you find a way to reproduce the truncation?
> If you can, then it ought to be possible to find the problem.
> If you can't, this is likely going to remain an unsolved mystery.

That is entirely true - without more details, especially a simple
testcase, very few people are motivated enough to try to help you resolve
the issue.

- --
Life is short - so eat dessert first!

Eric Blake             ebb9@byu.net
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