Proper distribution of cygwin-dependent software.

Corinna Vinschen
Tue Nov 22 15:47:00 GMT 2005

On Nov 22 12:24, Oliver Wienand wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >>if our institution is hosting a Cygwin repository mirror, would this be 
> >>sufficient for the term side-by-side.
> >
> >Sounds good to me, but you should public the mirror URL on
> >  If you have a traffic problem, feel free
> >to add another note that "a lot of other mirrors exist using setup.exe,
> >blah, etc."

Urgh, sorry, that's not quite right.  When you only point to the mirror,
you have the problem that the software you're using on the CD might
not be available on the mirror anymore, since the maintainer(s) moved
on and erased old versions.  In that case you're violating the GPL
again.  So you will have to make sure that the sources of the versions
used on CD are available regardless of the state of the mirror.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat, Inc.

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