1.5.18-1: cannot start executables (except cygcheck.exe) on windows server 2003 web edition

Eric Blake ebb9@byu.net
Wed Nov 16 15:20:00 GMT 2005

Hash: SHA1

According to Eduard Witteveen on 11/16/2005 5:28 AM:
> I also tried to see if the application needed the path in anyway or the
> executable to be started with the current directory specification
>> C:\cygwin\bin>bash.exe
>> C:\cygwin\bin>set PATH=c:\cygwin\bin\

Usually, you should leave Windows directories on your PATH, and just
append to it rather than replacing it.

>> C:\cygwin\bin>./bash
>> '.' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
>> operable program or batch file.

- From cmd, you have to use Windows syntax to invoke a program (.\bash, not

> I was happy to see cygcheck.exe working:

That's because cygcheck is a native windows program that works even if the
rest of cygwin does not.

Please ATTACH, not send inline, the output of cygcheck -svr (your -cvr
output is not as helpful), per the directions here:

> Problem reports:       http://cygwin.com/problems.html

- --
Life is short - so eat dessert first!

Eric Blake             ebb9@byu.net
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