ln, ls or readline problem?

Eric Blake ericblake@comcast.net
Wed Nov 9 01:36:00 GMT 2005

> $ ls -ld bar2
> lrwxrwxrwx  1 Carlo None 7 Nov  9 08:47 bar2 -> foo/bar
> Here's the problem:
> When I  do a `cd bar2' and do an `ls -l ../', here's what I get:

Known problem.  Cygwin takes a shortcut and treats name/.. as
though it were a single ., which unfortunately is counter to posix
when name was a symlink.  The problem is that patching cygwin
is likely to slow down the common case, so the cygwin developers
have chosen speed over correctness for the moment on this issue.

Eric Blake

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