where is setup.exe source?

Carl Karsten carl@personnelware.com
Sun Nov 6 21:25:00 GMT 2005

Brian Dessent wrote:
> Carl Karsten wrote:
>>What builds the setup.exe source?
> Anyone who wants to.  If you mean who compiles the setup.exe binaries

I meant what compiler is used.  I am used to things like InnoSetup, so I was 
expecting something of that nature.

> As to the location of the source, please read
> <http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2005-10/msg01019.html>.  Since you are the
> second person who has asked this in the last week I have to wonder if
> there is something about the website that's unclear.  Is there any
> wording that could be made more clear to answer what I would hope would
> be a simple question of "where is the source"?

For me, it wasn't the wording, but the path from http://cygwin.com to 
http://cygwin.com/setup.exe and then the setup gives the option to dl package 
sources, but not the setup.exe source.

>>I am interested in an option to prob all the servers and disable the ones that are
>>currently off line.  Maybe even do a traceroute and sort by number of hops.
> This, however is going to be rather fruitless.  The list of mirrors is
> already checked frequently (at least daily) by automatic infrastructure
> on the cygwin.com machine, and any mirror that is offline or is more
> than 24 hours out of sync is automatically removed from the mirrors.lst
> file.  So barring a local connectivity problem, if it's in the
> mirrors.lst file (which is the same data as presented
> <http://cygwin.com/mirrors.html>) then it's guaranteed to be fresh and
> online.

I didn't realize it was retrieved at setup time.  good idea ;)

I still think it would be usefully to have a way to evaluate which server to use. 
  I did gentoo a few years ago, and it had something like that.  I'll dig around 
and see if I can figure out how to make use of it.

>>Or at least export the list so that a seperate utility could be used to pick a server.
> <http://cygwin.com/mirrors.lst> should be trivial to process with
> sed/awk/perl/etc.

ftp://mirror.calvin.edu/cygwin;mirror.calvin.edu;North America;Michigan

Why isn't the "North America;Michigan" part displayed?


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