can not find valid cygwin path

Christopher Faylor
Tue Nov 1 17:09:00 GMT 2005

On Tue, Nov 01, 2005 at 10:04:01AM -0700, lin q wrote:
>  I have the latest cygwin installed on WinXP SP1. It works fine in general 
>until I try to run some program today.
> It is really weired, the program requiring setting up some environment 
>viriables, I guess iniside its code it tries to find some data based on 
>that variable setting. Anyway, I do it something like this in my script,
>export PROG_ENV=/cygdrive/c/prog
>export PATH=$PROG_ENV/bin/nt:$PATH
>echo $PATH
> Then I source this script in cygwin, but I get such error,
>The PROG_ENV directory "/cygdrive/c/prog" does not exist.
>The PROG_ENV environment variable does not point to any directories.  
>Current setting is PROG_ENV="/cygdrive/c/prog".
> But if I `ls $PROG_ENV`, the directory is there! And `cd  $PROG_ENV` works 

Sounds like prog.exe isn't a cygwin program and doesn't understand /cygdrive
style paths.

> I wonder why the valid cygwin can not be taken.
> Another thing I find is if I change the BASH script to DOS script and run 
>it directly from dos, then everything is ok, namingly here is the DOS scipt,
>set PROG_ENV=c:\prog
>set PATH=%PROG_ENV%\bin\nt;%PATH%
> Any suggestion?

Yep.  That pretty much clinches it.  Don't use cygdrive with pure windows


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