shortcut settings (was Re: emacs issues)

Brian Dessent
Wed Jul 20 03:57:00 GMT 2005

Joe Brown wrote:

> Prefer rxvt console over cmd console, but python for windows goes pretty
> much stale when doing so, due to ^z ^d
> do not exit the python shell (wxPython relies on windows version).

It's unfortunate that win32 programs and Cygwin pseudoterminals do not
mix well, but there's not a lot of options to improve the situation,
short of using Cygwin python.

> If you delete c:\cygwin\cygwin.bat and .ico files you can create a
> folder/directory called c:\cygwin\cygdrive which makes autocompletion
> for /cygdrive very convenient.

Personally, I prefer "mount -c /".  Then you don't have to worry about
completion.  But you could also just rename cygwin.bat to something else
so that "cyg" completes to cygdrive.  I think the .ico is only used for
the shortcut so you can rename that too, just edit the shortcut.

> However, this means that you need to mung an shortcut/environment (place
> cygwin\bin on the system path) that does what cygwin.bat

I prefer \cygwin\bin in the system PATH anyway.  And I too execute
rxvt.exe directly without any batch file.

> c:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -geometry 100x59+345+5 -C -rv +ls -sb -sr -st -si
> -sk -sl 2000 -sbt 14 -fn -adobe-courier-*-r-normal--1-*-*-*-m-*-*-* -e
> bash -login

I put these in .Xdefaults, which is still read by rxvt in non-X mode. 
The equivlant command line that I use is

rxvt -geometry 130x60 -bg black -fg gray -cr white -fn "Lucida
Console-11" -sr -sl 5000 -j -cr white -tn rxvt -e bash -li

I like lucida console a lot but it doesn't have any of the line-drawing
characters which is a problem for some programs like mc or pstree. 
(alias mc="mc -a" takes care of that though.)


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