gcc 4.0 and 3.3 at the same time?

Reini Urban rurban@x-ray.at
Fri Apr 22 19:37:00 GMT 2005

Jason FU schrieb:
> Markus Schönhaber <mks <at> schoenhaber.de> writes:
>>Am Freitag, 22. April 2005 13:27 schrieb Jason FU:
>>>Gerrit P. Haase <gp <at> familiehaase.de> writes:
>>>>Krzysztof Duleba wrote:
>>Asking just out of curiosity: how are you affected by the simple possibility 
>>to install multiple versions off gcc? If you want just one version of gcc on 
>>your system, isn't installing just one version of gcc an option for you?
>>BTW: On my Linux box, I have installed both gcc 3.3.5 and gcc 3.4. Obviously 
>>at most one of them is doing some work at a given time.
> I think GCC is a reliable tool. We don't need to have the old version to
> co-exist for chaos. If you worry that GCC 4.0 doesn't work properly, why don't
> you wait for a while for people's comments? With multiple versions of the same
> development tool, you'll have infinite nightmares for your code.

People who deploy/maintain libraries need multiple compilers.
Not everyone is a end-user.
For the 2.95 => 3.0 switch it was also usual to have both.
Reini Urban

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