setup.exe keeps hanging

Alan Ning
Wed Apr 20 05:31:00 GMT 2005

I just tried it now, and I have the same problem.

My CPU usage was at 100%, and it was running multiple instance of sh.exe.

I ran setup.exe again, same thing happened.

... Alan

Reid Thompson wrote:

>Dave Korn wrote:
>>----Original Message----
>>>From: Jurgen Defurne
>>>Sent: 14 April 2005 13:38
>>>I still have the following problems :
>>>- The installation of cygwin1.dll keeps hanging at 78 %
>>>-- Probably because the installation is not complete,
>>>i cannot get access to my D: drive (which is just a second drive),
>>>but I can get access to my C: drive and to my network drives.
>>>ANy hints ?
>>  Just one possibility.  It might be the same problem, or it might
>>  Start a bash shell.  Unless your install is really badly
>>damaged, this should still work.
>>  cd into /etc/postinstall.
>>  Is there a file there called ""?  If so, that's going
>>to have been causing setup to crash when it tries to handle
>>it.  Execute it directly (enter "./"), then rename it with "mv
>>  After that setup should be able to complete.
>>  In fact, if even your bash shell won't work, use a dos
>>prompt to rename it, then you can run it manually after your
>>setup has completed by using ". /etc/postinstall/"
>>    cheers,
>>      DaveK
>>Can't think of a witty .sigline today....
>(This may or may not be related to your issue...) I also noticed on the
>last update I did that some/all of the packages for ?LaTex? were
>updated -- and that the post-install script ( took a VERY
>long time to complete --- i.e. system looked like it was hung, but was
>actually ?building? a lot of postinstall stuff.  This was on a slower
>processor machine ~400mhz -- WAG is it took about 8-10 minutes.  I kept
>thinking setup was hung -- ended up cancelling it and running
> by hand ( I also had to comment out line 11, kept getting
>permission denied on removing ~/web2c/*.*fmt).  
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