[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: e2fsimage 0.2.0-2

zzapper david@tvis.co.uk
Sun Apr 10 15:48:00 GMT 2005

On Thu,  7 Apr 2005 23:05:27 +0200 (CEST),  wrote:

>I've updated the e2fsimage package for Cygwin to version 0.2.0-2.
For the curious

e2fsimage enables the user to create and populate an ext2 filesystem image as a copy from an
existing directory tree. It supports regular files, directories, soft links, hard links, and
block/char special devices. The ownership of all files is changed to root, by default, while the
permissions are kept.


The Ext2 Filesystem Utilities (e2fsprogs) contain all of the standard utilities for creating,
fixing, configuring , and debugging ext2 filesystems.

``Standard'' Ext2fs features

The Ext2fs supports standard Unix file types: regular files, directories, device special files and
symbolic links. 

Ext2fs is able to manage filesystems created on really big partitions. While the original kernel
code restricted the maximal filesystem size to 2 GB, recent work in the VFS layer have raised this
limit to 4 TB. Thus, it is now possible to use big disks without the need of creating many

Ext2fs provides long file names. It uses variable length directory entries. The maximal file name
size is 255 characters. This limit could be extended to 1012 if needed. 

Ext2fs reserves some blocks for the super user (root). Normally, 5% of the blocks are reserved. This
allows the administrator to recover easily from situations where user processes fill up filesystems.

Basically Ext2 allows really huge files

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