XEmacs+aspell failed on cygwin 1.5.14-1
Christopher Faylor
Tue Apr 5 18:47:00 GMT 2005
On Tue, Apr 05, 2005 at 11:15:08AM -0400, TX wrote:
>I left out some observations in my previous post. After I launch
>XEmacs and click the "spell" button on the menu bar, the error message
>box will immediately appear. If I click "OK" to terminate the program,
>XEmacs hangs. I have to click to close the XEmacs window. The normal
>Ctrl-XC won't work. I also discover that aspell is always running in
>background after I quit XEmacs in such a manner. I have to use Taskmgr
>to kill it. Anyway, I have reverted to cygwin 1.5.13-1 for now. Hope
>it helps.
Thanks. This + cygcheck + the memory fault address was enough for me to
duplicate the problem. This should be fixed in the most recent
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