BUG: Cygwin implementation of Debian package tools

Reini Urban rurban@x-ray.at
Fri Oct 29 17:59:00 GMT 2004

David A. Cobb schrieb:
> Getting tired of loading disks, I structured a local mirror of the
> Debian directory structure and tried running Cygwin
> dpkg-scanpackages.  I expected it to take a while, so I wasn't
> surprised - I just went and make some more coffee.  But after 20
> minutes I suspected something was wrong and fired up ProcessExplorer.
>    Under my console bash I discovered:
> +perl (OK, dpkg-scanpackeages is a big perl script I guess)
> ++dpkg-deb
> ++rm.exe    <==== getting 98% of the CPU time and not making any
> progress.  Watching the handles display, I see an open handle on what
> must be the first *.deb file found so I'm pretty sure of the "no
> progress -= stuck!" diagnosis.
> Killed it all, ran my scan with the identical sh script in Debian
> proper.  It did, indeed, take a bit of time but it completed without a
> hitch and /bin/rm  never stayed long enough for me to see it: perl got
> about 3 sec. CPU, dpkg-deb about 2, find about 2, everything else less
> than 1.

looks some kind of typical windows race condition.
give the filesystem some time after rm.
haven't got the src of dpkg-scanpackages.
Reini Urban

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