Manual page width is fixed and I'd like it not to be
Aaron Miller
Mon Nov 22 06:09:00 GMT 2004
Raye Raskin wrote:
>> Hi! I've just been installing Cygwin on a new machine and getting
>> everything into the shape I like it, but there's something I can't
>> seem to figure out how to fix.
>> I'm running XWin all the time so I can use xterms, but manual pages
>> seem to get formatted to 80 columns wide no matter how wide my xterm
>> window is. This is, as you may imagine, somewhat irritating, and I'm
>> at my wits' end in trying to find where to fix it.
>> Has anyone any advice to offer? I'd greatly appreciate it.
>> Thanks!
>> -- Aaron
> Try making your font smaller so the man page width still fits your
> narrow xterm.
Thanks, but that's the exact backwards of what I'm looking for; I
could've been clearer in my original message. The command line with
which I start my usual xterm sets it to 120 columns, and I frequently
size it up from there. This seems to be the usual mode of operation
under Unix; for example, when I've ssh'd into a Linux box from a Cygwin
xterm, manual pages are formatted to the terminal width instead of a
hard eighty(ish) columns.
Thanks again.
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