user-specific mounts
Baurjan Ismagulov
Fri May 14 09:10:00 GMT 2004
Hello, Igor!
On Thu, May 13, 2004 at 01:50:33PM -0400, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> Create a system-owned shell (via "at <curtime+1> /interactive bash -i")
> and use "mount" to set up user mounts for the user "system". You may need
> to remove the system mounts altogether, and just create user mounts for
> every potential Cygwin user, although the user mounts *should* take
> precedence over the system ones.
So, you mean HKCU is honored and should be read before HKLM, and this
may be a bug? I'll try your workaround and share the results.
> BTW, your report would have benefited *a lot* from you following the
> Cygwin problem reporting guidelines at <>
> and attaching your cygcheck output...
The first question was whether such kind of setup was supposed to work
at all. Considering this a usage in a weird way, rather than a user
problem, I left the details for the second iteration. Sorry if I
prevented you from providing premium support :) , will do my best to
avoid this in the future.
Such a question arose after I had not been able to find a statement in
the user manual regarding this issue; I'm pretty sure you will show it
to me :) , but all I could find was the following:
The mapping is stored in the current user's Cygwin mount table in the
Windows registry so that the information will be retrieved next time the
user logs in. Because it is sometimes desirable to have system-wide as
well as user-specific mounts, there is also a system-wide mount table that
all Cygwin users inherit.
So I was not sure whether HKCU was supposed to override HKLM, or whether
the HKLM entries were mounted first, and directories in HKCU that were
still not mounted were mounted afterwards.
As to cygcheck: seems that I screwed the installation. Cygcheck aborts
saying "'id' program not found", although it is present under
/cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin. The output is attached, but I doubt it would
help. Should I send you the output of a specific command, or set the
root to c:\cygwin and re-run cygcheck?
With kind regards,
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Cygwin Win95/NT Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Fri May 14 10:39:14 2004
Windows XP Professional Ver 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
Path: c:\tmp\lokal_admin\bin
g:\Program Files\Hummingbird\Connectivity\8.00\Accessories\
g:\Program Files\Hummingbird\Connectivity\8.00\NFSServer\
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