Shutdown doesn't seem to work when invoked from ssh session

Michael F. March
Mon May 10 23:21:00 GMT 2004

Here is something kind of freaky.. If I am at the same time
logged into server that is running sshd using VNC, shutdown
through an SSH session, *DOES* work.

> On May 10 07:33, Egerton, James wrote:
>>I've tried using the Cygwin shutdown-1.4 from an ssh session and it
>>doesn't seem to do anything.   The call to ExitWindowsEx doesn't appear
>>to fail, but nothing happens after the "WARNING!!!..." message is
>>displayed.   I have verified that the system can be rebooted from ssh if
>>InitiateSystemShutdown is called instead of ExitWindowsEx and this
>>appears to be consistent with the ExitWindowsEx description:
> Thanks for the report.
> I'll upload a new shutdown tool within the next few days, probably.
> Corinna

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