Scripts for calling Internet Explorer,Explorer,Word,Access,Excel from Cygwin

Sun May 9 15:08:00 GMT 2004

On Sat, 8 May 2004 15:23:14 -0400 (EDT),  wrote:

>On Sat, 8 May 2004, zzapper wrote:
>> Hi
>> With help from this NG have created the following scripts, I think
>> they are very useful especially wexp. (Paths to various apps on your
>> PC may vary of course). Excepting wexp all require a filename as
>> parameter eg > wmdb test.mdb
>>  wexp  : Launch Windows Explorer with correct "Windows" path
>>  wint  : Launch Internet Explorer with correct "Windows" path
>>  wop   : Launch Opera with correct "Windows" path
>>  wpdf  : Launch Acrobat Reader with correct "Windows" path
>>  wxls  : Launch Excel with correct "Windows" path
>>  wdoc  : Launch Word with correct "Windows" path
>>  wmdb  : Launch Access with correct "Windows" path
>I hate to rain on your parade, but have you tried "cygstart"?  If you have
>the Explorer file associations set up correctly (i.e., double-clicking on
>a .mdb file launches Access, etc), you should simply be able to say
>$ cygstart test.mdb
>to pop up Access.  Similarly, "cygstart ." (or any other directory) should
>pop up Windows Explorer.  You can even say "cygstart -x ." to open Windows
>Explorer in "explore" mode.  This should also work with the *full* POSIX
>path to a file, whereas your solution requires that the file be in the
>current directory...
>FWIW, the one useful aspect of your scripts is that you can only associate
>the ".html" extension with either Opera or IE, so you'll need a script to
>invoke the non-default browser.  Note also that people may have their
>programs, notably Opera, Acrobat Reader, etc, installed in different
>location from that which you hard-coded into the scripts.
>	Igor
TSDH (That Sure Did Help!)
Igor, cygstart is new to me, looks cool.

cygstart --print README.txt
cygstart --maximize ~/projects/whatever/design.doc
cygstart -x .

(BTW My script wexp is actually an official script from the doc),
I will adapt my scripts to use cygstart and also to add the default
endings such that I can type

> wmdb test (no extension supplied 
> wmdb test.mdb

(typing all the letters of cygstart  is way too much for me. might do
me an alias tho!)


zzapper (vim, cygwin, wiki & zsh)

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