lstat on FAT - Was: Problem with find on FAT drives

Christopher Faylor
Thu Mar 25 11:25:00 GMT 2004

On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 09:39:29PM -0500, Pierre A. Humblet wrote:
>On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 04:42:39PM -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 04:30:57PM -0500, Pierre A. Humblet wrote:
>>>I also had a look at the code and reached pretty much the same conclusion
>>>as Volker. Replacing all 'isslash (*src)' and 'isslash (src[x])' in
>>>normalize_posix_path by "isdirsep ()" would yield more consistent results.
>>>I know this code is delicate but the possible drawback isn't obvious.
>>speed disadvantage for nebulous gain.
>As you know isdirsep would take 1 extra compare per character.
>FWIW I see one place where we could avoid the kind of loop that Volker had.
>I wonder if 
>      char *p = strrchr (src, '\0');
>      /* Detect if the user was looking for a directory.  We have to strip the
>should be inside the symlink loop or outside. I guess that depends if
>symlink contents ending with / are special (on Sun the final / is stripped in
>symlinks, dunno about other Unix flavors).
>Also normalize_posix_path strips the final /, except when it calls 
>normalize_win32_path. That makes the code go through extra hoops
>when resolving c:/the/symlink/, it looks for c:/the/symlink/.lnk

Corinna!  Did I predict this or what?

I'm quitting my job and getting a job as a psychic in the carnival!


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