sshd problems

James Nord
Thu Jan 22 13:41:00 GMT 2004

Hi all,

I've manage to setup sshd as a service on a windows 2000 box, and it all
seemed to be working well.

I can ssh into the box and browse directories etc. without any warning
messages being produced,

however if I try and run a command via ssh then the connection is dropped
immediately after the following error message,
setgid: Invalid argument


F:\>C:\cygwin\bin\ssh.exe nordj@localhost
nordj@localhost's password:
Last login: Thu Jan 22 10:59:24 2004 from
NordJ@NDSUK5446 ~
$ ls
James.pdf  PUTTY.RND  acs.log  index.html  temp  workarea
F:\>C:\cygwin\bin\ssh.exe nordj@localhost ls
nordj@localhost's password:
setgid: Invalid argument
NordJ@NDSUK5446 ~
$ id
uid=18158(NordJ) gid=10513(Domain Users) groups=20164(All
UK),20206(Chandlers Ford),12729(Dept Encoders),11854(Dept Eng
Development),20107(Dept Stream Content),20125(Dept Systems Div
(Ch),20203(Dept TV Platform ( A),10513(Domain Users),14553(MAGIC
F),15039(N Dept Eng Develop.),17109(N Dept TV Platforms),15031(N
Development R),15011(N Eng Dev CRX),15029(N VHDL R),15028(N Video
Server),16027(Phoenix Change),15143(Reachout Hosts),16217(UK
Synamedia),16934(Web User

I am at a loss as to why it works when not using a command and fails when
using one.  Does anyone have any ideas?
the passwd and group file are uptodate.

Anyone any ideas?

Please CC me in the reply as I'm not subscribed.



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	Douglas Adams

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