failure of unzip and recent cygwin1.dll

Thomas L Roche
Mon Feb 16 18:20:00 GMT 2004

Ken Thompson Mon, 16 Feb 2004 08:15:11 -0500
>> We continually get new subscribers who somehow have the expectation
>> that somehow CGF is responsible for fixing all problems.

My experience using and contributing to OSS has created expectations

* projects advance faster when their leaders encourage assistance from
  the community and bootstrap members' attempts to assist better (e.g.
  Pechtchanski), not when they belittle members' skills (e.g. Faylor).

* occasionally members (e.g. Thompson) will suck up to the leaders

* regressions will be corrected. I am certainly (and demonstrably)
  willing to assist this process; the need for the process is
  unquestionable (except for the latter clique).

Regarding the regression-correction process:

Christopher Faylor Mon, 16 Feb 2004 09:49:19 -0500
> What you have discovered is that when memcpy is given a NULL pointer
> it will [cause] a SEGV.

No, I have discovered considerably more. Consequently my question is,
is the path_conv bad?

Thomas L Roche Mon, 16 Feb 2004 00:01:10 -0500
>>> (gdb) where
>>> #0  memcpy () at 
>>> #1  0x61062a91 in path_conv::set_normalized_path(char const*) 
>>>     path_copy=0x64964edc 
at ../../../../winsup/cygwin/
>>> #2  0x61027e81 in fhandler_base::set_name(path_conv&) 
(this=0x616a1fcc, in_pc=@0x22ea80)
>>>     at ../../../../winsup/cygwin/


>>> (gdb) up
>>> #1  0x61062a91 in path_conv::set_normalized_path(char const*) 
>>>     path_copy=0x64964edc 
at ../../../../winsup/cygwin/
>>> 425       memcpy (normalized_path, path_copy, n);

memcpy has 3 args, of which we can see 2 below:


>>> (gdb) info frame
>>> Stack level 1, frame at 0x22ea20:
>>>  eip = 0x61062a91 in path_conv::set_normalized_path(char const*) 
>>>     saved eip 0x61027e81
>>>  called by frame at 0x22ea40, caller of frame at 0x22e9f0
>>>  source language c++.
>>>  Arglist at 0x22ea18, args: this=0x616a2008, 
>>>     path_copy=0x64964edc 
>>>  Locals at 0x22ea18, Previous frame's sp is 0x22ea20
>>>  Saved registers:
>>>   ebx at 0x22e9dc, ebp at 0x22ea18, esi at 0x22e9e4, edi at 0x22e9e0, 
eip at 0x22ea1c

>>> (gdb) info args 
>>> this = (path_conv * const) 0x616a2008
>>> path_copy = 0x64964edc 

>>> (gdb) info locals
>>> n = 150

so normalized_path is the null (confirmed below), no? If so,
why? Certainly

path_conv::set_normalized_path(char const*) 

would seem to be suspect, but one notes that

>>> (gdb) up
>>> #2  0x61027e81 in fhandler_base::set_name(path_conv&) 
(this=0x616a1fcc, in_pc=@0x22ea80)
>>>     at ../../../../winsup/cygwin/
>>> 151       pc.set_normalized_path (in_pc.normalized_path);

>>> (gdb) info frame
>>> Stack level 2, frame at 0x22ea40:
>>>  eip = 0x61027e81 in fhandler_base::set_name(path_conv&) 
>>>     saved eip 0x6101dee7
>>>  called by frame at 0x22ea70, caller of frame at 0x22ea20
>>>  source language c++.
>>>  Arglist at 0x22ea38, args: this=0x616a1fcc, in_pc=@0x22ea80
>>>  Locals at 0x22ea38, Previous frame's sp is 0x22ea40
>>>  Saved registers:
>>>   ebx at 0x22ea2c, ebp at 0x22ea38, esi at 0x22ea30, edi at 0x22ea34, 
eip at 0x22ea3c

>>> (gdb) info args
>>> this = (fhandler_base * const) 0x616a1fcc
>>> in_pc = (path_conv &) @0x616a22ff: {fileattr = 0, fs = {
>>>     name_storage = '\0' <repeats 193 times>, 

>>>     root_dir_storage = 
'\0' <repeats 128 times>, 
flags_storage = 1970561381, serial_storage = 796091762, sym_opt_storage = 

* fhandler_base::set_name(path_conv&) have obviously bad (no?)
  name_storage and root_dir_storage ...

>>>     is_remote_drive_storage = 105, drive_type_storage = 1869575269}, 
path_flags = 1663988588, 
>>>   known_suffix = 0x6f6d6d6f <Address 0x6f6d6d6f out of bounds>, error 
= 1919299182, dev = {
>>>     name = 0x77656d61 <Address 0x77656d61 out of bounds>, {devn = 
1936421487, {minor = 29295, 
>>>         major = 29547}}, 

  ... thus hosing the name it's trying to set, ...

>>>     native = 0x6165662e 
mode = 1701999988, dev_on_fs = 47}, case_clash = 116, 

* fhandler_base::set_name(path_conv&) has obvious path problems ...

>>>   normalized_path = 0x5f74705f <Address 0x5f74705f out of bounds>, 
normalized_path_size = 1882083906, 
>>>   path = "roperties", '\0' <repeats 128 times>, 

  ... no?

* fhandler_base::set_name(path_conv&)'s caller,
  build_fh_pc(path_conv&), has a correct-looking normalized_path, but

>>> (gdb) up 
>>> #3  0x6101dee7 in build_fh_pc(path_conv&) (pc=@0x22ea80) at 
>>> 468       fh->set_name (pc);


>>> (gdb) info args
>>> pc = (path_conv &) @0x22ea80: {fileattr = 4294967295, fs = {
>>>     name_storage = 
"NTFS\000\000#\000\000\000\000\000\004ë\"\000É\tûw\b\006#\000¡\tûw\000\000#\000Ê\225üw`\000\000@n\000c\000o\000n\000s\000o\000l\000e\000.\000w\000a\000r\000\\\000c\000o\000m\000.\000i\000b\000m\000\000\000#\000\001\000.\000\001\000o\000\030n#\000o\000l\0008\002\000\000 ê\"\000\001\001\001\001\224ë\"\000ôdûwð/øwÿÿÿÿ¤ë\"\000§Êùw\000\000#\000a\000\000P 
n#\000\000\000#\000Ê\225üw`\000\000@f", '\0' <repeats 77 times>, "#", '\0' 
<repeats 20 times>, root_dir_storage = "d:\\", '\0' <repeats 256 times>, 
flags_storage = 459007, 
>>>     serial_storage = 3431808182, sym_opt_storage = 64, 
is_remote_drive_storage = false, 
>>>     drive_type_storage = 3}, path_flags = 2214592778, known_suffix = 
0x0, error = 0, dev = {
>>>     name = 0x61006f30 "", {devn = 247, {minor = 247, major = 0}}, 
native = 0x61006f30 "", mode = 0, 

  ... name and name_storage are problematic, and ...

>>>     dev_on_fs = false}, case_clash = false, 
>>>   normalized_path = 0x64964edc 
normalized_path_size = 0, 

  ... normalized_path_size is definitely wrong (no?) and ...

>>>   path = 

  ... there is junk in path.

If path_conv is in fact bad, it would seem advisable to focus
debugging on build_fh_pc(path_conv&), which seems responsible for ...
building the path_conv, no? Or are there other loci for its failure?

If the path_conv is (contrary to appearances) good, it would seem
advisable to focus debugging on fhandler_base::set_name(path_conv&).

Am I missing something? Your assistance would be appreciated.

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