Problem running windows application, using ssh command on remote unix session

Henri Irla
Fri Dec 3 11:21:00 GMT 2004

Henri Irla wrote:
> *Situation:
> -Windows XP machine  with cygwin and ssh installed ( new  cygwin version)
> -Unix machine launch  windows command using local or remote ssh
> -correct Mount point on cygwin machine (/sophos) located on unix machine
> -Windows command ( /sophos/setup.exe -IN -INL -update ) : no windows display, 
> no interactive, automated process
> -all machine are LAN connected, no FW
> *Result:
> -Correct execution on any cygwin  terminal  in windows machine
> ccommand passed with ssh remote ( Unix or Windows remote)  correct but  sophos 
> command not executed !
> Any one has any idea ?
> How can  i trap errors or log for windows command on Windows  machine ?
> Regards
I have  passe some new inspections !!

user "sophos" run connection from  Unix server to  remote cygwin server 
on XP worskstation.
sophos user  is real and usable user on  UNIX and XP cygwin workstation.
sophos directory  is samba  share windows/Unix directory on Unix server.

when is connected on remote  cygwin ; it appear  as  "nobody" user ???
Test command : /usr/local/bin/ssh -v -i /usr/local/SOPHOS/.ssh/id_dsa 
sweep@tania "cd /sophos; echo abcdef > toto; ls -ail toto"
using su in or out command can't change nothing  result  !

result :
file toto is created  as nobody  uid and gid ???
206441 -rwxr--r--    1 nobody   nobody            7 déc  3 12:08 toto

Why ; I d'ont understand  this ?

  thanks in advance for you help


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