read command available?

neal somos
Wed Aug 18 16:33:00 GMT 2004

I literally cut and pasted a portion of Svend's post.
The portion I thought I used was ...
ls | while read TEST
     echo $TEST

I asked for 'ksh' and pasted.
I was totally flabbergasted when I got the
exact response Svend had posted.
Is the read command somewhere available? Up to now I wasn't able to find

I was intrigued and tried it again, but this
time it worked properly producing the list
of expected file names.

And under sh and bash I would get the expected
list of file names.

That fact that it did not seem to reproduce on subsequent
attempts is puzzling.  While such things are possible
I begin to question my sanity when I have trouble
finding what could have printed that message.
Grepping through strings of everything in bin failed
to reveal where this might have come from.

Unfortunately I did one too many exits in the rxvt
shell window, and cannot even go back to ensure
I entered the commands I believe I entered.  
All subsequent attempts have been well behaved.

I fear that I may have been suffering from both
caffeine and sleep insufficiency and cut and pasted 
too much.  For the sake of my sanity I hope that someone 
else can reproduce this.  


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