Bash Here - Start Cygwin from a folders context menu
Thu Oct 3 04:41:00 GMT 2002

>> Also:
>> 1) Tries to leverage any existing cygwin.bat to create cygwin_indir.bat,
>> thats what you want.
>> 2) Stops repeated additions to ~/.bashrc for repeated installs
>> 3) handles missing ~/.bashrc
>> 4) Uses bare bones rxvt startup line so the users .Xdefaults are used
>> Gerrit, would you be interested in adding these changes (or similar) to
>> file you're already hosting? The FAQ can then deal with "but I want
>> Prompt Here to start ?sh, not bash" [assuming appropriate incantations
>> added].
>Yes, sure.  It was a little mess with cleaning up .bashrc all the time;)
>I'll look to get it up to the server this weekend.
>Someone who is using tcsh and zsh needs to assist me in testing since
>I'm not using these two (yet).
>If I get it right now it is still not possible to get two extensions at
>the same time?  So if I want to have a 'bash Prompt Here' (cmd shell) and
>a 'rxvt Prompt Here' I'll need two different startup files?

I added these updates to my own archive including allowing any number of the
'extensions' to be installed at once and uninstalled separately. A .inf file
is built on-the-fly for each extension.

I also fixed the uninstall so that it doesn't leave the extra registry keys
around. This seems to be a bug from the original DOS Prompt Here power toy.

The file is available at Enter the site and find the
Cygwin link. I don't recommend linking directly to it because my site host
has changed twice since this I created this and I am trying to set up a
system to host it myself. But, I own the domain and don't plan on changing

You will find that the old link below still works but has NOT been updated.
This is because I don't have an account with that ISP anymore but they
haven't bothered to purge the files yet.

>>> Fetch the original from Glen Coakley:

I am not on the list so please send/copy any replies to me directly.


Glen Coakley, Senior Software Engineer

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