Screen color question

Randall R Schulz
Wed Mar 6 14:20:00 GMT 2002


When you confirmed the dialog, it asked you whether to apply the change 
only to the current window or to all subsequent uses of the same shortcut 
that created that window. If you did not start the shell via a shortcut, 
then the second alternative is based on subsequent windows with the same 
initial title as the current one (or as its initial title--I don't know 
which). The default is "current window only," so you have to click the 
other radio button to make the change persistend.

Of course, if you change the shortcut directly, it will be applied to all 
windows subsequently opened via that shortcut.

Use this PS1:

         PS1='\w> '


         PS1='\W> '

You might like my PS1. It puts the current directory name (both short and 
long form) in the window's title bar and just the history number in the prompt:

         PS1=$'\[\e]0; \u :: \W (\w)\a\]\!> '

This works in most modern terminal emulators, including the Cygwin console 
and RXVT.

Not that I want to dissuade you from reading the manual...


At 13:49 2002-03-06, Barry Goldstein wrote:
>I should have thought of that, but having done it, it doesn't stick -- the
>next prompt restores the dim light-green-on-black.
>So I think it's my prompt that is 'insisting' on the dimness.
>The prompt strings are
>PS1=$'\\[\\033]0;\\w\\007\n\\033[32m\\]\\u@\\h \\[\\033[33m\\w\\033[0m\\]\n$ '
>PS2='> '
>PS4='+ '
>I'm not sure where to re-set these or what they should be -- I'll go and
>read the man bash pages. All I want is the current directory followed by
>the usual '>'.
>At 03:50 PM 3/6/2002 -0500, Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) wrote:
> >At 03:39 PM 3/6/2002, Barry Goldstein wrote:
> >>I installed cygwin and have been using it pretty much as it came "out of
> >>the box" (on an NT4 box).
> >>
> >>As installed (with the bash shell), it displays light green on black
> >>background and I'm going blind. I searched the faq, etc., and found all
> >>sorts of stuff about setting colors in vim or emacs, but nothing about
> >>setting the colors in the vanilla shell.
> >
> >
> >You set colors for the console window the same way as you would for a
> >DOS prompt (since the shell is just starting in a DOS prompt box).  Change
> >the colors in the properties menu.  If you want to set colors instead
> >within the shell instead, check out the bash documentation (man page, etc)
> >for that information.
>Barry Goldstein              Pequod Software
>124 Otis Street    
>Newtonville, MA 02460-1846   +1-617-332-5758 (home)
>U.S.A.                       +1-509-756-7445 (fax)

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