Shells and makefiles are still very slow with cygwin

Eric M. Monsler
Sun Jul 7 14:43:00 GMT 2002

Paul Pitot wrote:

> Shells and makefiles are still very slow with cygwin
> I use cygwin for about 2 years and do not see any real response to this
> simple question :
> Why a simple shell script like this is so slow ?

I'm sorry, I just can't stand idly by in the face of the previous 
sarcastic replies.

I figure that you deserve a more helpful reply, one that might actually 
(someday) make it run nearly as fast as a native POSIX environment.

Additionally, it might help future users who are searching the archives, 
trying desperately to find a way to get lighting fast shell script and 
makefile execution.

The problem is that YOU, yes YOU, have not downloaded the sources, 
profiled and identified the slow parts, and contributed SUS and POSIX-ly 
correct speed-up patches to the cygwin project.


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