Simple SEH using win32 api

Gerald Shapiro
Thu Aug 29 18:22:00 GMT 2002

The program that follows catches exceptions with gcc using win32 api. I 
used gcc version 2.95.3-6 on mingw, 2.95.3-5 on cygwin; win32api version 
1.5 on mingw, 1.5.1 on cygwin.

Although g++ supplies exception handling capability, and 
< > and drmingw 
< > provide 
code to catch exceptions, I am porting a c app to mingw, and I didn't want 
to require the package maintainer to include a lot of extra code that may 
conflict with changes in gcc, nor did I want to have to compile in c++.

So what is attached uses only c, no new headers or macro definitions, and 
only a few lines of extra code to implement what is essentially a 
_try/_except construct.

My solution is pretty basic. I would advise against installing more than 
one exception handler at a time using this technique, as there is no 
provision for 'unwinding' the unused handlers.

Most of the ideas came from 
< >, but one 
interesting thing... the return codes do not do what their names would 
imply. (I think that this is because the win32 exception handling is 
intimately intertwined with the microsoft c++ compiler. The codes that the 
handler returns are codes that vc++ uses to return the results of the 
_except filter.  The vc++ exception handler itself returns values from the 
enumerated type EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION . This however, is *not* part of the 
win32 api, it is part of the compiler's implementation of seh.)

Here is what I found:
Return value  #defined name
Action: Returns to the statement that caused the exception and re-executes 
that statement. (Causes an infinite loop of calling the exception handler 
if the handler does not fix the problem)

Action: Passes the exception to the win32 default handler (error box)

Action: Returns an "invalid disposition" exception, indicating that this is 
not a valid return value!!!

Anyway... here it is

*****************  bare_bones_seh.c ************************
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <setjmp.h>

long *fault_addr;
int a;
long valid_memory_area = 10;
int *z = (int *) 0x12345678;
jmp_buf environment;
int error_val = -1;

/* This Handler shows how SEH can modify global variables
    and/or registers of the faulting routine to "fix" an error
    It also shows that more than one error can be handled in a single
    exception handler  */
int problem_fixing_seh(
    struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *ExceptionRecord,
    void * EstablisherFrame,
    struct _CONTEXT *ContextRecord,
    void * DispatcherContext)
    printf("You've raised exception number %#x\n", 
    if (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags & 1) {
      printf("Non-continuable error\n");
      exit(1); }

    switch (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode) {
              fault_addr = (long *) 
              printf("Divide by zero at addr=%#x\n", fault_addr);
          /* fix the problem */
              a = 5;
            printf("But don't worry, it is fixed now\n");
              fault_addr = (long *) 
              printf("ACCESS VIOLATION at addr=%#x\n", fault_addr);
        /* Make faulting frame's EAX register point to a valid memory area */
              ContextRecord->Eax = (DWORD)&valid_memory_area;
              printf("But don't worry, it is fixed now\n");
              return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH;
            return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; }

/* This handler uses longjmp to go back to the "except" clause */
int problem_skipping_seh(
    struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *ExceptionRecord,
    void * EstablisherFrame,
    struct _CONTEXT *ContextRecord,
    void * DispatcherContext)
    printf("You've raised exception number %#x\n", 
    if (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags & 1) {
      printf("Non-continuable error\n");
      exit(1); }
  if (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode != EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)

  fault_addr = (long *) (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1]);
  printf("ACCESS VIOLATION at addr=%#x\n", fault_addr);
  longjmp(environment, error_val);

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  DWORD handler;
  int error_code;
  setbuf(stdout, NULL);

  printf("Loading the error fixing seh\n");

/* Simple structured exception catcher */
handler = (DWORD) problem_fixing_seh ;
asm("movl %0, %%eax\n\t"
    "pushl %%eax": : "r" (handler): "%eax" );
asm("pushl %fs:0");
asm("movl %esp, %fs:0");
/*  We have installed our handler */

/* Now generate a divide by zero exception  */
/* The handler will replace a with the value 5
   and then re-execute the offending division */
a = 0;
valid_memory_area = 10 / a;

printf("valid_memory_area = %d\n", valid_memory_area);

/* Now an invalid memory access exception */
/* The assembler code attempts to store a value (12)
   in location 0h . Upon detecting the exception
   the handler changes EAX to point to valid_memory_area */
asm("movl $0, %%eax\n\t"
    "movl $12, (%%eax)"
    : : : "%eax", "memory" );

printf("valid_memory_area = %d\n", valid_memory_area);

/* Now uninstall this seh */
asm("movl (%%esp), %%eax \n\t"
    "movl %%eax, %%fs:0"
     : : : "%eax");
asm("addl $8, %esp");
/*  handler is uninstalled  */

printf("Error fixing handler removed\n");

/* Now install a different handler that skips offending code */
handler = (DWORD) problem_skipping_seh ;
asm("movl %0, %%eax\n\t"
    "pushl %%eax": : "r" (handler): "%eax" );
asm("pushl %fs:0");
asm("movl %esp, %fs:0");
/*  We have installed our handler */
printf("Problem skipping SEH installed\n");

/* The longjmp call in the handler will return here,
    placing a non-zero return value in setjmp */
error_code = setjmp(environment);
if (error_code != 0)
   printf ("Skipping invalid memory access\n");
   goto NoCanDo;
z = 0;
printf("Trying to write to memory location 0\n");
*z = 12;

/* Uninstall the seh */
asm("movl (%%esp), %%eax \n\t"
    "movl %%eax, %%fs:0"
     : : : "%eax");
asm("addl $8, %esp");


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