fetchmail still corrupts files ?

Jason Tishler jason@tishler.net
Wed Apr 17 10:57:00 GMT 2002


On Wed, Apr 17, 2002 at 03:02:33PM +0200, Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
> > Shame on me for sitting on this patch for so long...
> Wow, you have patched it already;)

Yeah, but I should have submitted the patch upstream by now...

> Do you want contribute fetchmail to the Cygwin Dist

My intention was to contribute fetchmail and procmail (or maildrop)
after my patches have been accepted by the respective maintainers.

> or should I
> include your patch and rebuild then?  I'm building it now and
> put it up to the server so people can test it.

However, you can have the "honors," if you prefer.


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