Line editing not working in Cygwin apps on NT4.0 console

Gerrit P. Haase
Fri Nov 30 03:12:00 GMT 2001

Hallo Tom,

2001-11-30 11:59:15, du schriebst:

> I looked through the Archives and the FAQs and problems similar to this have
> been reported in the past.  I tried various combinations of TERM=ansi,
> TERM=cygwin, CYGWIN=tty, CYGWIN=notty but none of these seem to have corrected
> my problem.

 TERM=cygwin and CCYGWIN=tty is ok.
> I'm running Cygwin 1.3.5, NT 4.0 SP6a.

> The problem is that the Cygwin apps (cat, telnet, perl, etc.) do not allow
> command editing when run in a console window.  In particular, the Backspace
> key inserts a Ctrl-H, and the arrow keys move the cursor around and insert
> their escape sequences.  bash does not exhibit this behaviour, probably because
> it does its own line editing.

Hmmm, it works for me, I have set 'CYGWIN=tty ...' Be sure to set the CYGWIN
variable BEFORE starting a bash shell I have it as systemwide setting.

I have this in ~/.inputrc (Backspace is working for me so it is commented):
And this needs 'readline' to be installed! I don't know what exactly needs
to be installed else, I guess termcap (who knows?).

# This file is read by the 'readline' library
# (the library which bash uses for its command-
# line editing facility)

# Make Home work
"\e[7~": beginning-of-line
# Make End work
"\e[8~": end-of-line
# Make Delete work
"\e[3~": delete-char
# make Insert work
"\e[2~": paste-from-clipboard

# "\C-h": backward-delete-char
# "\C-?": backward-delete-char

convey Information Systems GmbH         
                                                  Vitalisstraße 326-328
Gerrit P. Haase                                   D-50933 Köln                            Fon: ++49 221 6903922

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